Saturday, January 08, 2005

Democratic Leadership Council --- their time has come and gone . . .

The Democratic Leadership Council is a dinosaur who's time, and opportunity, has come and gone.

With a track record of losing national elections that should label them serial losers, they've proven to democratic voters that they are not the leadership entity worthy of marching progressive America into the future.

Bluntly stated -- they are Republican Lite wimps. They do not represent the interests of the working people of this country or the progressive thinking people of this country. They are in effect, traitors to the cause. I disavow them -- I disavow their pussy, compromise with the devil strategy and it's high time we throw these sons of bitches out of the party and get a fresh start on things.

Here's a site dedicated to demolishing the defeatist, traitorous DLC.

They keep dying and dying and dying . . . Bush energizer death sentence for soldiers . . .

The Bush/Cheney/Rove horror-go-round continues on it's bloody path to nowhere . . .

How many more will it take?

How many more young lives sacrificed at the altar of unbridled hubris and stupidity?

When will America really start "caring" for and "supporting" our troops??

Click here.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Bush insider says boy King Dubya is a dipshit . . .

Hmmmm . . . another Bush insider and long-time confidant and loyalist to Poppy Bush, Brent Scowcroft, is now on the record as saying what the rest of the fucking planet has said from the beginning ---- invading Iraq was not such a good idea, it's most likely worsened the situation in the middle east, and, is likely to end up in a full-blown civil war.

Anybody want to bet that old Brent won't be invited to Dumbya's birthday party this year???

Click here and read for yourself, what a clown of a man this country has chosen as it's leader.

Krugman tells the truth about conservative bullshitters . . .

This Paul Krugman article is so goddamn good ---- MUST READ!!!.

It's short, sweet, and gets right to the point. Basically a concise, condensed moral indictment of the Bushies, the Republicans and right-wing conservanazis in general --- all rolled up into one, short neat little article.

I can only hope to be able to write with this type of clarity and brevity some day . . . .

Bush propaganda --- Soviet Union style . . .

The Bushies once again display their vulgar contempt for honesty, ethics and the rule of law. Secretly paying some whore conservative television and print commentator to "sell" their bogus "No Child Left Behind" law to the public is about as vile an attack on democratic principles as they come.

If I recall these Bush weirdos were the same people crowing in 2000 that they were going to "restore dignity and honor" to the White House.

Any American who bought into that crock of bullshit ought to have their right to vote revoked until they can prove they are mentally capable of understanding the significance and responsibilities that come with the privilege.