In the wake of yesterday's report released by the Alaska Legislative Council, which found that Sarah Palin had violated state ethics laws and abused her power by trying to have her former brother-in-law fired as a state trooper, the McCainiacs and the Palinbots are spinning their wheels furiously today in a vain attempt to paint the investigation as a political (partisan) witch hunt.
To the McCain/Palin brain-dead followers, no doubt that argument will resonate profoundly -- although it's not entirely unexpected from people who've hypnotized themselves into believing that Barack Obama is a stealth Muslim terrorist.
Therefore it goes without saying that the McCain/Palin campaign knows they can count on their zombies to blame the media and the evil Liberals (Democrats) for this report and so they are all too happy to oblige them with statements like this one from a McCain spokesman:
"I think the American people can tell the difference between the results of a politically motivated investigation and a legitimate finding of fact," campaign spokesman Taylor Griffin said.
But facts are pesky things folks - and there are a few facts which completely shred the ridiculous partisan accusations -- not unlike the way the buckshot from Dick Cheney's birdgun shredded his shooting buddy's face in the infamous Elmer Fudd "hunting" incident.
Anyhow -- the facts I'm referring to are these:
1. The Alaska Legislative Council opened this probe in June of this year - a full 4 months before McCain tapped Sarah Palin to be his VP running mate and before anyone even knew who the hell she was. Palin at that time agreed to cooperate fully with the probe. However, once she became McCain's VP pick, they began stonewalling the investigation, all to no avail though as the Alaska Judicial system turned down all of their pleas to quash the probe and report.
2. The Alaska Legislative Council is made up of 12 members from the Alaska House and Senate. 10 of those members are Republicans. 2 are Democrats.
3. The report released yesterday was done so unanimously by the Council on a 12-0 vote.
So - in essence -- if you are of the belief, as the McCain/Palin people want you to be, that this investigation was an evil partisan Democrat exercise, you must be willing to concede then, that the 10 Republican lawmakers on the Council are all either traitors to their party or all have some unknown personal grudge against Sarah Palin. And that's what it boils down to -- believing in the unbelievable.
Frankly, I'm sick and fucking tired --- tired! of the no-accountability-ever people who permeate the ranks of the Republican party. And they wonder why they are staring straight into the barrel of an electoral drubbing cannon come November.
Maybe instead of blaming the media and liberals for this Palin debacle, you all ought to blame the real villains --- the right-wing, fundamentalist nutjobs who convinced McCain and his people that picking a no-name, inexperienced, not very bright, fundamentalist christian tool (who happened also to be a woman) as a running mate was a marvelous idea.
But that would bring us back full circle to the accountability issue then wouldn't it? And god knows we can't have the Republicans and conservatives show weakness by actually accepting accountability for their own actions now can we? C'est la vie.