I honestly cannot say that this news surprises me in the least:
November 20, 2008
PRINCETON, NJ -- The Republican Party's image has gone from bad to worse over the past month, as only 34% of Americans in a Nov. 13-16 Gallup Poll say they have a favorable view of the party, down from 40% in mid-October. The 61% now holding an unfavorable view of the GOP is the highest Gallup has recorded for that party since the measure was established in 1992.
Well, I'd hate to be presumptuous, but I would venture to guess that the American people's dismal view of the GOP just might have something to do with the fact that the Republican party's leaders started a needless war just because they could, trashed the constitution by spying on American's private communications, abrogated a long-standing treaty related to war conduct, gave the middle finger to the world on efforts to address global climate change, presided over the nose-dive of a once vibrant economy into the worst recession in memory, have allowed the far right fringe religious nuts to hold their party hostage to divisive social wedge issues, and have basically been governing the country in the same fashion that the greedy CEO's and Wall Street robber barons have run their companies.
Couldn't happen to a bunch of bigger pricks if you ask me.