By MARK MAZZETTI and DAVID JOHNSTONOnce again I must ask the question -- why would anyone who was paying serious attention these past 8 years be shocked or surprised by this?
Published: July 24, 2009
WASHINGTON — Top Bush administration officials in 2002 debated testing the Constitution by sending American troops into the suburbs of Buffalo to arrest a group of men suspected of plotting with Al Qaeda, according to former administration officials.
The right-wing nuts were too busy hunting down "traitors" who weren't sporting shiny flag pins on their lapels. Too busy swift-boating real military heroes while ignoring the chickenhawks that permeated their own ranks. Too busy being led around by their nose-rings from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. And obviously -- much too busy to notice the growing threat to the Constitution that was spreading like cancer in the Bush/Cheney White House.
Bush and Cheney, for all intents and purposes, took this nation's most cherished political and historical document - The Constitution of the United States of America - and used it like a wad of toilet paper to wipe their shit-stained sphincters with.
And the first ass-hat who tries to say to me "but krazee -- everything changed after 9/11" -- I'm going to burst a fucking vein in my forehead. The only thing that changed after 9/11 was the level of cowardice and treachery that increased exponentially amongst the hierarchy of the hard core conservatives and neo-cons within the Republican party.
Gee - now that I think about it -- I wonder how the right-wing crowd would react right now, today, if this news story instead of being about Bush & Cheney was actually a story about how last month President Barack Hussein Obama had convened a cabinet level meeting to discuss dispatching the U.S. military into the streets of -- oh say Dallas, Texas -- because they had intelligence that a half a dozen American born posse comitatus/right-wing militia dudes were planning to pull off another Oklahoma City type bombing?? Hmmmmm -- I wonder what their response to President Obama would be . . . . .
Yeah -- that's what I thought.
I've always been suspicious of those in society who pound their chests the hardest and shriek the loudest about patriotism and love of country, and it appears that by all the reasonable evidence of what's transpired in this country these past 8 dark years, that those suspicions have been definitively validated at this point in time.