An NFL football coach once said - "if you're gonna talk the talk, you better walk the walk." This blog is nothing more than the rantings of a proud military vet and pissed off liberal who's had enough of the right-wing bullshit that is tarnishing America's image not only at home but around the world. Time to fight back and tell the conservative assholes exactly where they can shove their plans for an un-democratic America!
Oops! Looks like one of the right-wing darlings has strayed off the reservation (ala Colin Powell). Queue the spastic howls of outrage and charges of traitor!! Lol.
PETRAEUS:What I would ask is, does that not take away from our enemies a tool, which again they have beaten us around the head and shoulders in the court of public opinion? When we have taken steps that have violated the Geneva Convention, we rightly have been criticized. And so as we move forward, I think it is important to again live our values to live the agreements that we have made in the international justice arena and to practice those.
I mean really -- who's left supporting the pro-torture viewpoint except the most insane media clowns like Limpballs, Coulter, Savage and the entire Fox Disinformation Network? Quite the crowd to brag about being of like mind with.
I haven't posted any viewpoints on President Obama's choice to replace retiring U.S. Supreme Court Justice David Souter with Sonia Sotomayor who currently is a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Prior to Souter's announcement of retiring I had never heard of Sonia Sotomayor. The first tidbit of information that I learned about her was that she had been nominated to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York by President George H. W. Bush in 1991 and confirmed in 1992 and subsequently nominated by Bill Clinton to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit where she was confirmed and joined the court in 1998.
Frankly, I've not formed much of anything resembling an opinion on Judge Sotomayor to this point simply because I knew nothing of her prior to Obama's announcement and since that event was just 3 days ago and not a single hearing has been held, where her views and judicial credentials can be aired, I've still not learned very much about her since (and I refuse to get any of my information on her from our useless whore mainstream media.) However, one thing I absolutely have learned this week is that Sotomayor's nomination has triggered an avalanche of banshee screeching emanating from the rightwing nut-o-sphere, which, as anyone who knows my political views might surmise, leads me into the crux of this post.
As previously stated, it has only been 3 days since the Sotomayor nomination announcement. However, in that short span, I've already seen the hard-core conservative asshats throw around a multitude of crude accusations about this judge -- so many that you would think they knew months ahead of time that Obama was going to pick her and therefore they had already compiled a damning arsenal of information on her judicial and personal background which in their eyes almost certainly justifies her disqualification for the open SCOTUS position.
You really have to admire the modern day Republican party in the sense that one admires someone who threatens to commit suicide in a most gruesome manner -- then actually follows through on it. First they allow the Taliban-like religious right to hitch their boxcar to the conservative locomotive eventually allowing them to become the locomotive's engineer. Then for 8 years they threw their lot in with an intellectually-challenged, blue-blood frat boy who had failed at every business venture he'd been involved in and who's only qualifications for the Presidency appeared to be the length of his daddy's coattails. But the frat boy mouthed lofty fundamentalist religious platitudes, and with a wink and a nod, aww-shucksed (and electorally tampered) his way into power. The Repubs then surrounded said frat boy with recycled, corrupt GOP political hacks from the Nixon era (Cheney, Rumsfeld) and along with former Oil Industry operatives (Cheney, Rice) and Texas cronies (Gonzalez, Miers, etc.) the horrid "Bush era" was spawned from hell.
The slow motion, national train-wreck that followed was predicted by many who knew better, including yours truly. Many others jumped ship once they belatedly realized the folly of their on-going support of such a colossally incompetent and corrupt freak show. And now, with this weeks antics, the Republicans appear to be fiercely intent upon further alienating women, independent and Hispanic voters with their disgusting public attacks on Judge Sotomayor without even a single confirmation hearing having been held. I say go for it you fucking morons!! As far as I'm concerned, the more people the GOP pisses off and sends over to the other side, the quicker their political party epitaph can be written.
But honestly -- try as I might to find so much as a kernel of good will and contemplative thoughtfulness in this bastard strain of conservatives, they always -- ALWAYS -- find a way to dash the meager hope of doing so with their rank stupidity, bile and hatred.
As just a a sliver of evidence of what I'm referring to, take a look at this compendium of hideous t.v. clips just from the past couple of days. Gee -- you think these assholes project much? Lol.