Saturday, October 18, 2008

Queen of the Witch Hunts ....

If proof ever existed that the Republican party is now the Neo-Nazi party of the United States of America -- please explain an alternative view of what this dysfunctional Republican Congresswoman bimbo is saying. No fucking spin.


Friday, October 17, 2008

American Brown Shirts In Action . . .

Not content to allow the Justice Department controlled by their own party to determine whether the community organizing group ACORN has actually committed any crimes or not, the right-wing goose-steppers have deemed it their role to mete out their own warped brand of justice.

When it comes right down to it, these yellow-belly cowards, who anonymously threaten peoples lives and commit property crimes in the dead of night are really the lowest form of citizen in this country. They are absolutely a throw-back to the Nazi Brownshirts of pre-war Germany just as Hitler was coming into power. They are not Americans and I would go so far as to say they are Terrorists who should probably be warming a plot of cement in a place called Guantanamo Bay.

They are the poster children for self-pitying losers the world over. They can't win the hearts and minds of the American people on the merits of their ideas and vision, so instead they throw tantrums, verbally express their hateful fantasies in public rallies and online, intimidate and threaten those they disagree with, and engage in violent crimes against property as a means of demonstrating their rage at their perceived persecutors.

What a sorry ass lot they all are.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Of Nuts and Dolts . . .

Aside from the crankyness, the bluster and the all-too obvious snearing disdain for Senator Obama, there was one thing more than anything that McCain said in last night's debate that had me initially scratching my head only to slowly realize the idiocy of it which then pushed me into full-gale laughter.

McCain stated that the community outreach program ACORN "is now on the verge of maybe perpetuating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy."

It was like getting smashed in the head with the stupid sledge-hammer. Took me a full minute to realize what McCain was saying.

And once I figured it out, imagine my surprise to find out that our vaunted Democracy's number one imminent ("on the verge") threat is not Osama Bin-Laden, it's not Al-Qaeda, it's not Islamo-fascism (whatever the fuck that is). Hell, it's not even the den of thieving robber barons on Wall Street who've fleeced the country and left us all sitting on the stoop of the poor house. Nope -- John McCain states that our Democracy is "on the verge" of being destroyed by a group of American community organizers because they dare involve themselves in the godawful activity of assisting poor and lower middle income Americans to participate in this anti-democratic activity called "voting." The HORROR!!

With an expansive program such as they have, there's bound to be some shenanigans here and there and there absolutely have been a few isolated cases where ACORN paid canvassers have been prosecuted for voter REGISTRATION fraud. In those cases, ACORN has publicly supported the investigations of employees submitting fraudulent voter registration information, has fired them if evidence supports the charges, and has stated its concern with false information on registration forms. ACORN has been cooperative in these investigations.

Now here's the kicker, ACORN has been doing this kind of voter outreach work for more than 35 years --- why all of a sudden are they an imminent threat to "the fabric of democracy?" Gee -- is it possible it could have anything to do with the fact that the GOP is staring down the gun barrel of an electoral massacre in 3 short weeks?? Nawww --- they aren't that cynical are they? And now comes news that the FBI has leaked a story about an investigation of ACORN, virtually on the eve of the election. One of the Republican U.S. Attorneys fired by that corrupt little toad Alberto Gonzalez in the U.S. Attorney purge scandal, David Iglesias of New Mexico, states this development is pure politics, "a scare tactic," and smacks of the same unethical Justice Department politicization that got him and and several other Republican U.S. Attorneys sacked.

Ultimately, it's an eye-opening indication of how desperate the Republican thugs are. The American people aren't responding to their gutter politics and are threatening to hold the Republican party , their President and their Presidential candidate accountable for the current sad state of affairs in this country on November 4th.

Mark my words -- if the GOP is somehow able to steal this election for McCain/Palin, look to see these ACORN investigations slowly fade from view post-election. It's how they usually end up. Pretty pathetic.


O.H.I.O. = Oh so Hateful In Ohio . . .

Speaks for itself. But if you need some assistance figuring it out, here you go:

Obviously not all Ohioans are as ignorant and hatefully bigoted as these haystacks are, so the intent is not to broadbrush paint all of them with that charge. Point being, there are plenty of these small-minded goobers all over this country and they really need to be shamed either into irrelevant obscurity or into changing there 18th century ways of thinking. Regardless, they are an embarrasment to the rest of the world who look to this country as a shining example of the world's premier democracy.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

John McCain Takes A Ride in The Wayback Machine . . .

Jon Stewart does the media's supposed job by calling bullshit when he sees it, and he should be thanked for it. It's a pretty sad statement on the quality of our mainstream press/media when a cable tv comedian has to point out the obvious snow job being foisted on the American people. What a sorry fucking embarrassment our national media is - truly. I too saw the "new" McCain speech on an internet news clip and experienced the same confused, deja vu feeling Jon Steward did.

Anyhow, if it weren't so sad, it would be some knee-slapping funny shit.


Btw -- for you youngsters who don't know about The Wayback Machine - [Click Here]