Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Conservaspeak = bullshit

The local conservative newspaper editor got his boxer shorts in a bunch and wrote an editorial questioning the validity of scientific studies indicating global warming is a viable threat to humanity and that it is human activity induced.

Rather than address the very serious merits of the quite reputable science, which by most sane, educated and reasonable people's standards, is fairly exhaustive and quite conclusive, the hack editorial writer instead decides to obfuscate the debate with right-wing talking points and, more dismayingly, to level a personal attack against the dreaded Al Gore, calling him "hysterical", "wild", "alarmist" and "crazy" and accusing him of "crying wolf" and "playing Chicken Little" simply for daring to promote and debate the most widely accepted and credible views of the world's foremost climate scientists on the subject of global warming.

Additionally, in a pathetically lame effort to bolster his demonstrably weak argument, the hack editorial writer also bamboozingly referred his local readers to a non-scientific editorial in another conservative newspaper and also to the research of a statistician scientist, Bjorn Lomborg, who has become a darling in conservative circles by publishing works denying the seriousness of global warming as well as it's human activity causes.

Please read this hack editorial writer's article (see link in first paragraph at beginning of this post) and get a first hand, local yokel glimpse into the brain-dead mindset of the American conservative movement. I attempted to post a short rebuttal to Mr. hack editorial writer's opinion on their website, but as is typical of most conservative weblogs and conservative sites, they would not allow me to post a dissenting opinion. Here is the exact verbiage of what I wrote and attempted to submit:

Wow. Mr. Williams I feel sorry for your readers - specifically any who take your myopic opinionizing as gospel truth. The level of disinformation in your Gore bashing harangue is easily demonstrable and quite frankly appears to be nothing more than parroting of Bush administration dissembling and right-wing pseudo-science hackery. All that considered, I hold no illusions that you would be courageous enough to print a stinging fact-based rebuke of your grossly uneducated statements so I will not waste your time or mine in providing a point by point sourced rebuttal in response. Suffice to say the only comfort I have is knowing that you and your reality-denying cohorts are in a ever shrinking minority on the subject of Global Climate change. BTW -- statistician Bjorn Lomborg's credibility is seriously in question by a great many reputable climate scientists around the world. Might do you some good to do a bit more research before presenting him to your readers as some sort of expert on climate science - that's part of the fact-based rebuke I was referring to. Good day sir.

And here is the system generated response I received trying to submit that quite civil, dissenting viewpoint:

Some information you have entered may be considered offensive. Please review your comment.

So no - Mr. hack editorial writer -- what's truly "offensive" is that you and your rapture-obsessed, dullard audience continue to support and have faith in the liars and criminals who've brought this country the horrors of Iraq, Abu Ghraib, and Gitmo; the associated lies of WMD, Iraq/Al Qaeda complicity in 9-11, and mission accomplished; the negligence, incompetence and ethical & moral impropriety of Hurricane Katrina, tax cuts for the wealthy, lying about cost of medicare drug bill, corporate outsourcing, corporate welfare, paid media propaganda, attempts to hijack social security, and generally lying about nearly every domestic and foreign policy issue important to most Americans; and finally -- the criminality of lying our country into an unnecessary war, torture, war profiteering (Halliburton), spying on Americans, election tampering, politicizing Justice (U.S. Attorney firings), treason (Valerie Plame), and basically - deliberately undermining every pillar of the U.S. Constitution that our Democracy is based on.

For all of that and much more -- Mr. hack editorial writer -- you deserve to be offended and I for one will sleep well at night knowing I have offended you.
