"Devastation beyond comprehension" -- that pretty much sums up the legacy of conservative Republican governance over the past decade doesn't it?
Just saying . . .
An NFL football coach once said - "if you're gonna talk the talk, you better walk the walk." This blog is nothing more than the rantings of a proud military vet and pissed off liberal who's had enough of the right-wing bullshit that is tarnishing America's image not only at home but around the world. Time to fight back and tell the conservative assholes exactly where they can shove their plans for an un-democratic America!
Fox business analyst Stuart Varney claimed that "our taxpayer money ... is bailing out the Greeks right now" because President Obama "gave" $100 billion in "American taxpayer dollars" to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In fact, Obama did not "give" the IMF money; rather, he requested -- and Congress approved -- a line of credit that involves "an exchange of assets" and not "an expenditure."
(Reuters) - Nearly 40 million Americans received food stamps -- the latest in an ever-higher string of record enrollment that dates from December 2008 and the U.S. recession, according to a government update.
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Right-wing extremists who question the legitimacy of Barack Obama's presidency tried to take on local law enforcement recently -- and they seem to have come out on the losing end.
Already, Fabulous Fab—as he calls himself in e-mails released by the SEC—has two Facebook fan pages devoted to him. New York magazine breathlessly reported on his life, including the $4,000-a-month Manhattan apartment he once rented.
The 15 Wall Street employees—20- and 30-something bankers, traders, and former Goldman employees—whom NEWSWEEK interviewed for this piece say they admire the way Tourre foresaw the collapse in the housing market and structured a lucrative deal for his client, hedge-fund impresario John Paulson. Goldman Sachs refused to comment or to pass along Tourre's contact information. "Everyone thinks he has a bit of swagger," says former investment banker and Columbia Business School professor David Beim. "Everyone is cheering for him."
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by Michael Ferraresi - May. 4, 2010 04:03 PM
The Arizona Republic
The widow of a Phoenix police officer who was fatally shot three years ago by an undocumented immigrant said Arizona's new law would have done nothing to save her husband's life had it been in place in 2007.
Julie Erfle, whose husband Nick Erfle died in a central Phoenix gunfight after he and a partner stopped a man for jaywalking, told Channel 12 (KPNX) and The Arizona Republic that policymakers need to cut through the "rhetoric" and "fear-mongering" to try to achieve an immigration-enforcement solution that would better protect police officers - not only from violence, but from the perception that they engage in racial profiling.
She also criticized the bill's supporters for using her husband's name to benefit politically and financially by luring campaign donations that lead to votes.
Yesterday, on Today, Mayor Bloomberg speculated that the failed bomb attack in Times Square might be the result of "someone with a political agenda that doesn't like the healthcare bill."
Now the Tea Party Nation, the generally disrespected hocum group that put together the Tea Party Convention with Sarah Palin back in Nashville a few months back, has dashed off a press release demanding an apology on behalf of Tea Partiers elsewhere. Because, I guess, if you wonder if the bomb might have been set off by a domestic crazy upset about the Health Care Reform bill, who else could that mean but the Tea Party Movement, right?