Friday, July 16, 2004

Laughter is indeed the best medicine. . .

Here's the funniest damn thing I've seen in a long time.  Gets me in just the right mood to kick off the weekend.  Enjoy!
You know what to do - - just click here.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Bush lip service dishonors America's soldiers . . . Amen!

One of America's most decorated living soldiers (a true soldier's soldier) and a bona fide hero has something to say about the way George Bush and his glassy-eyed following of uber-patriots are treating our bravest and finest.

Every loud-mouth, plastic flag-waving, FOX News watching Bush supporter ought to be forced to read this article out loud to themselves a hundred times over.

Here's a key exerpt:

"The old saying that war is a racket has taken on an even more shameful meaning. In Bosnia, for example, Halliburton was given tens of thousands of dollars to refurbish several U.S. military camps and fulfilled the assignment by bringing them right up to snuff – only a few months before these same camps were then bulldozed down!

But the minute concerned citizens rightfully question wrongdoings like those mentioned above, we’re immediately slammed by a battalion of frothing-at-the-mouth self-proclaimed patriots for bad-mouthing the president or his administration and for not supporting our warriors.

These irresponsible assaults often prolong change and always deep-six any opportunity for rational dialogue. They’re also particularly offensive to me, since I’ve spent my life trying to keep our soldiers alive on battlefields by standing tall and demanding hard training, good equipment and great leadership.

If a policy is wrongheaded, feckless and corrupt, I take it personally and consider it a moral obligation to sound off and not shut up until it’s fixed. And I hope more of you will commit to this critical mission as well.

That’s what supporting the troops is really all about – making sure American grunts get the right stuff! Not mindlessly clicking our heels and saying “Yes, my leader.” That’s what the Nazis did, and we all know the chilling results."


Barking up the wrong tree - - still . . .

The writer of this article is absolutely correct when he states,

"I don't know what the administration was thinking when it invaded Iraq even as the direct threat from bin Laden and Al Qaeda continued to stare us in the face. That threat has only intensified. The war in Iraq consumed personnel and resources badly needed in the campaign against bin Laden and his allies. And it has fanned the hatred of the U.S. among Muslims around the world. Instead of destroying Al Qaeda, we have played right into its hands and contributed immeasurably to its support.

Most current intelligence analysts agree with Secretary Ridge that Al Qaeda will try before long to strike the U.S. mainland once again.

We've trained most of our guns on the wrong foe. The real enemy is sneaking up behind us. Again. The price to be paid for not recognizing this could be devastating."

With half of the fear-baited American electorate putting blind faith in this election-thieving, stumble monkey pResident, it's only a matter of time before we're caught with our pants down again. It makes one almost want to weep just thinking about it. The colossal incompetence and idiocy of George Bush and the banana-Republicans currently controlling the government I fear is going to lead to a lot of heartache, misery and perpetual instability in this country. I'm convinced only one thing can potentially stop their mad rush to ruin - - throw the bastards out of office on election day --- every goddamn last one of them.
