Saturday, February 12, 2005

Rapture loving religio-whackos hate America and Democracy . . .

Reason #17,234 as to why krazee is not a Christian.

Too many mentally unstable, humanity-hating, democracy-hating, love-hating, downright creepy people claiming ownership and divine knowledge of the faith.

Anyone who's buying into the lies and bullshit of the Tim LaHayes of the world and their Armageddon countdown nonsense, is way too fucking insane to be left unmonitored in my opinion. The Department of Homeland Security ought to be keeping close tabs on these Christian nut-cases instead of following around law-abiding, sane American citizens who might look middle-eastern or have middle-eastern sounding names. These robotic religious handjobs feverishly believe that a nuclear holocaust would be just fine and dandy, especially if it hastens the fictional return of their fictional saviour.

I'll be blunt -- the right-wing Christian fundamentalists in this country frighten me a thousand times more than the Osama-Bin-Ladens of the world.

Click here.

Howard Dean -vs- GOP bullies and liars -- my money is on Howard . . .

Hoo-ray for Howard Dean! and congrats on being elected the new leader of the Democratic National Committee. It's about time the Dems swallowed their fucking idiotic pride and put someone in charge who's not afraid to step on a few toes and more importantly, throw counter punches when punched.

If everyone recalls, the whore media stuck a jagged, rusty dagger in Dean's back when they uber-hyped the infamous "Dean scream" when Dean was addressing his supporters upon the outcome of the Iowa caucus -- he finished in third place.

Unfortunately, what the boot-licking prostitutes in the media didn't tell anyone was that Dean was using a directional, noise-cancelling microphone which filters out background noise. Television news reporters ought to know better because they use these type of microphones all the time when doing reports in noisy public venues. Anyhow, the crowd noise that evening was absolutely deafening for those there in person, but on live television, the only thing heard was Dr. Dean's voice.

Suffice to sadly say, the media low-lifes portrayed Dean's exhortation to his followers to not give up as the rantings of an unhinged, raving lunatic. And they played the videotape of "the scream" over and over and over and over ad nauseum. And because the American television-viewing sheeple tend to believe every moronic thing they see and hear on the idiot box, Dr. Dean's promising candidacy spiraled downhill from there.

Well -- it looks like Howard just might have the last laugh on the media pricks in the end after all. Just today at the news conference announcing his DNC win, some shit-for-brains reporter asked Dean, "some Democrats say that they are worried about the image you give to the party."
Howie wasn't playing that game. His response was beautiful -- telling the toady reporter that he wouldn't "respond to blind quotes," then moving swiftly to the next question. Yesss!!! That's the way to treat these fucking idiotic, pre-pubescent mud-slingers. If they can't ask a straightforward, semi-intelligent question dealing with substantive issues, tell them to fuck off and die. I'm liking Howard a whole lot more today as a result of that answer.

Anyhow, here's the story.

I'm officially renouncing my renouncing of the Democratic party now that Howard is in as leader. We have a fighting chance at overcoming the ReThuglicans now.


Thursday, February 10, 2005

krazee's Link-O-Rama!! HOT! HOT! HOT!

Until I get around to paying for the xtra service which allows me to put permanent links in this poor-man's blog, I'll resort for the moment to periodically publishing links to krazee's favorite, non-whore-media websites.

Let's call it "krazee's Link-O-Rama!"

Visit the following listed sites and take a break from the Bush/corporate-whore/military industrial complex bought and paid for propaganda disguised as mainstream news:

Media Matters For America
Eschaton (Atrios)
Talking Points Memo (Josh Marshall)
The Daily Howler
The Smirking Chimp
American Politics Journal
The Rude Pundit
Center For American Progress
Take Back The Media

Any one of these sites will offer you a welcome respite from the lies and right-wing, corpor-fascist propaganda which currently slithers about our print, television and radio media forums.

Enjoy and share with others.


O'Reilly's reputation gets punted . . . again . . .

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Christian missionaries committing inhumane acts!! No surprise there . . .

Just another reason, in a long, long list of reasons, as to why krazee is not a Christian.

If there is a just, loving, and mindful deity, it is these Christians and their ilk who will be suffering in the hereafter.

Click here.

Bush telling Scientists to lie to the American people!! Have they no shame??

The headline of this article says it all - -

"U.S. Scientists Say They Are Told to Alter Findings"

In man-on-the-street lingo, what it really says is: Bush administration forcing tax-payer funded Scientists to lie about issues that could affect the health, economic well-being and environment of Americans.

More proof that "compassionate conservatism" was the biggest bullshit scam pulled on the American voting public ever. Unfortunately a majority of the mindless sheep fell for it.

You know the routine: just click here.


Newly de-classified NSA memo points to Bush bungling aiding and abetting 9/11 terror attacks!!

Well, not that this is news to those of us who've been ignoring the Bush propaganda and subsequent media coverup, but it sure does vindicate alot of decent right-minded people in this country.

January 25th, 2001, just days after the election-thieving, fake cowboy from Texas is sworn in as President, then counter-terrorism coordinator, Richard Clarke, sends a memo to National Security Advisor Condi Rice stating, "we urgently need such a Principals level review on the Al Qaida network."

Now, remember, this is a full 9 months before Al Qaida and Bin Laden's attacks on America which left more than 3000 innocent civilians dead. Exactly what part of the underlined word "urgently" (that's exactly how it is in the actual memo even) didn't sweet little Miss Condi understand??

Also, if you recall, in the 9-11 Commision hearings --- responding to claims that she ignored the al-Qaeda threat before September 11, Rice stated in a March 22, 2004 Washington Post op-ed, "No al Qaeda plan was turned over to the new administration."

Perhaps a full-fledged plan wasn't turned over, however the newly released document does prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Bush administration, through Bush's handpicked National Security Advisor, was warned!! urgently warned, that Al Qaida was a critical topic which needed to be urgently addressed.

So who did the Bush cartel and their cult followers blame after the attacks occurred?? Why the evil Clinton --- he's to blame! Semens stains!! Blue dress!! Lying about sex!! Pathetic. I can't even look friends and family members in the face any more as they try to defend this corrupt bunch of fuckups --- makes me ill doing so.

So -- the question being -- what steps did Bush, Condi, Oil Slick Dick, Rumsfailed and the rest of the neo-con keystone kops take to confront this urgent issue?? I'd be interested in finding out. Alas - - considering the squalid state of the press and media in the country today, don't expect any Woodward/Bernstein type investigative reporting looking into this story.

Lastly, anyone care to guess why this document is being released only now, after the election is over?? Could it be that it would've been even more proof that Bush and his gang of incompetent ass-wipes failed to do their duty and are the people actually responsible for the bloodshed of September 11th, 2001?? Nawww --- they couldn't be that corrupt --- could they???

Here's the article --- go read, get educated, and hopefully get mad.


Sunday, February 06, 2005

Justice . . . American Style . . .

Hmmm . . . "And Justice for All?" . . .

Story #1: Claude Dallas, a white, christian, militia-type gun-nut who murders two Idaho state Fish & Game officers execution style (by his own confession), is subsequently convicted of simple manslaughter by a sympathetic, white, christian, gun-nut jury and sentenced to 30 years in prison, was released yesterday 8 years early for "good behavior."

Story #2: Leonard Peltier, an American Indian Movement (AIM) activist was purportedly involved in a shootout with FBI agents in 1975 on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Two FBI agents were killed. Even though there were more than 40 other AIM members involved in the shootout, Peltier is fingered as the sole triggerman by tainted testimony, convicted by a hostile jury (one not of his peers obviously), sentenced to life in prison and languishes there to this day (27 years so far) even though over the years, new evidence has emerged suggesting the FBI and the Federal government framed Peltier (gee, would a government run by the likes of "Tricky Dick" Nixon do such a thing??) in order to intimidate and suppress the activities of the AIM organization.

Just goes to show you that the ideals of Democracy, fairness and justice in this country are nothing more than illusions.

Aside from the obvious fairness and justice inequities between the two cases here, I'm wondering how the families and children of the slain Idaho officers feel about the man, who cold-bloodedly pumped bullets into their loved one's heads, being released back into society for "good behavior."

What a fucked up world -- no scratch that ---- what a fucked up country America is becoming.
