Tuesday, December 30, 2008

WTF? Huh? WTF?

Proof that this country is doomed. If it wasn't for the fact this article showed up on Reueters newswire, I'd swear it was a parody poll, highlighting the fact that fat, bald, old white gun nuts have massive hard-ons for the Wasilla WingNut. Creepy if it's true.


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry (*burp*) Christmas!

Merry Fookin' Christmas to all! A special shout out to the gang at BaGhDaD_CaFe, a bunch of naughtier brats I've never met - Muahahahahahaha! - LOL!


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Try to Fucking Understand!

Fuck off. Oh -0--- and Die.

It Never Rains In Southern California .... BULLSHIT!

Been snowing HARD since 8am this morning. My conservative friends are using the occasion as a reason d'etre as to why they believe global climate change is a hoax. All I got to say to them is come here you fuckers, stand in my back yard and see snow piled on top of a fucking Palm Tree! Idiots. I'm an hour and a half east of Los Angeles. Old-timer locals cannot remember snow here like this. It's fucking so weird. Anyhow, here's some pics:

GOP to Suffering America -- Let Them Eat Elian Gonzalez

The American economic empire is gasping for it's last desperate breaths. The U.S. auto industry, a major manufacturing industry which has been a defining hallmark of American industrial might for nearly a century, is on the brink of collapse. Millions of Americans are wondering if they'll still have a home to live in next month. The country's economy is hemorrhaging half a million jobs per month. And what does the tattered remnants of the Republican party want to do to address these multiple issues -- any one which would be considered a major crisis in it's own?

They want to re-litigate the 10 year old Elian Gonzalez case.

That's right - I didn't stutter - you heard it right. Because, as you know, nothing will help Joe and Jane Six-pack more than for the United States Senate to be tied up re-living the GOP glory days when trivial and asinine politics like the Elian Gonzalez affair ruled the day.

Contrary to punditocracy belief, Barack Obama's historic candidacy was not the sole deciding factor which contributed to the Grand Old Party getting their collective asses curb stomped in this past election. Obama's 8 million vote margin of victory can just as easily be attributed to the fact that Americans are fucking sick and tired --SICK AND TIRED!! -- of trivial and asinine politics -- the kind of politics which the GOP has refined to an art form these past couple of decades. We are sick and tired of a small, loud-mouthed faction of Americans -- the religious right -- determining the fate of the majority and the country as a whole. We are sick and tired of stupid fucking military-industrial complex hatchet men running around the planet poking a stick into every hornet's nest they can find and then letting others deal with the devastating aftermath. We are sick and tired of the moneyed elites using this country's hard earned wealth as if it were their own goddamn personal piggy bank and using the nation's treasured natural resources as if it were their own gilded outhouse. And we are sick and fucking tired of the pampered and well-paid Washington cocktail circuit media whores, who have the gall to call themselves journalists, serving their conniving corporate paymasters instead of doing the real job of a real journalist which is to inform their fellow citizens as to the truth about what's going on in this country.

That is what that amazing 8 million vote margin of victory for Obama was truly about. The trouncing that the conservatives and their decrepit movement took in this year's election should have profound, long term benefit for America. But as always, when a rejected political movement is dying, it lashes out with viciousness, immature pettiness and vindictiveness. And so the conservative Republicans have decided to give a big, middle finger FUCK YOU gesture to America out of pure spite by raising the dusty, cob-webbed ghost of Elian Gonzalez, tying up the Senate to keep them from addressing infinitely more critical national issues, and basically making a fucking mockery of themselves and further cementing their place in the dustbin of political ideological movement history.

I sure am looking forward to January 20th when the thinking adults will be back in charge of things and hopefully they'll give the snide Republican brats a good old fashioned ass-whooping and send them all to bed without any dinner.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hang 'em High . . .

I've had people tell me that actions have consequences. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't the logical extension of that be --- horrifying actions have horrifying consequences?

You want to send a message to the powerful moneyed elites that recklessly fucking with peoples lives and livelihoods through financial fraud has consequences?

Public executions -- after a fair trial and conviction and after all appeals have been exhausted. That's the answer.

Change the goddamn criminal code to add institutional financial fraud to the list of death penalty offenses. I'm so fucking sick and tired of these Wall Street robber barons using their ill-gotten gains to procure the best legal representation money can buy to, in effect, purchase their way out of prison time and time again.

Perhaps these low-life pricks, after seeing a few of their partners in crime drop through a platform trap door with a noose snapping their pencil necks like twigs, might get the not so subtle message that the wholesale looting of American's futures like we've seen these fuckers do to people in this country these past several years is to never, ever, ever happen again.

Obviously, this post is borne of frustration, anger, outrage, and general disgust. But when stories like this one crop up in the news on an almost daily basis, one has a tendency to blithely chuck terms like mercy, empathy, and forgiveness right out the door and go for the jugular.


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Shook Me All Night!

Took a little side trip away from the political arena Monday nite and went to the rock n' roll arena. Saw AC/DC at the Los Angeles Forum. They sounded great, looked active on stage and sang many favorites. All in all a top notch show - lotsa fun. Here's a sampling (video isn't greatest quality, but hey--it's free--what do you expect?)

Friday, December 05, 2008

Worst Fucking President Ever! EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's a reason I'm harsh on my Bush adoring conservative friends. Jon Stewart gets right to the heart of the matter in analyzing the exit interview Bush did this past week with ABC's Charlie Gibson. Anybody who watched that interview, and I do include you my conservative friends, and walked away still believing that George W. Bush has been God's gift to America and mankind ---- well ---- you just really need to be violently bitch-slapped until your eyeballs bleed or you finally acknowledge the truth. Sorry for the harshness once again, but the reality of it all is what it is.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Conservatives = Power Mongerers

What is it with conservatives and their penchant for ad hoc despotism? Even the Canadian right-wingers loathe democracy and the will of the people it appears.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

GOP losing national popularity contest . . .

I honestly cannot say that this news surprises me in the least:

November 20, 2008

PRINCETON, NJ -- The Republican Party's image has gone from bad to worse over the past month, as only 34% of Americans in a Nov. 13-16 Gallup Poll say they have a favorable view of the party, down from 40% in mid-October. The 61% now holding an unfavorable view of the GOP is the highest Gallup has recorded for that party since the measure was established in 1992.

Well, I'd hate to be presumptuous, but I would venture to guess that the American people's dismal view of the GOP just might have something to do with the fact that the Republican party's leaders started a needless war just because they could, trashed the constitution by spying on American's private communications, abrogated a long-standing treaty related to war conduct, gave the middle finger to the world on efforts to address global climate change, presided over the nose-dive of a once vibrant economy into the worst recession in memory, have allowed the far right fringe religious nuts to hold their party hostage to divisive social wedge issues, and have basically been governing the country in the same fashion that the greedy CEO's and Wall Street robber barons have run their companies.

Couldn't happen to a bunch of bigger pricks if you ask me.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Karma Is A Bitch - And Won By 8 Million Votes . . .

I haven't posted any blog entries for over a week. The reason is simple - - I'm basking in the rhapsodic, luminous glow of the Republican ass-whooping that took place on November 4th.

It's difficult for me to even remotely describe it as gloating in my opinion, for I have reminded my GOP friends and detractors on a few occasions over the past year or so that it's not so much that I'm a die-hard Democrat who would support any Democrat at the drop of a dime and regardless of their stances. Truth is, I have not donated a single penny to a Democratic candidate or Democratic organization. I've not volunteered to work actively at promoting the Democratic party or any Democratic candidate. What I have done, and wholeheartedly admit to doing and will continue to do, is to vociferously oppose and expose the Republican party, as it exists in it's current form, as the fascist, lying, democracy-loathing sons of bitches and fundamentalist Christian tools that they are. Guilty as charged.

What makes Obama and the Dem's annilhation of the GOP on November 4th all the more righteous is the fact that the mind-numbingly vicious Republican goons went to extreme lengths and efforts to label Barack Obama as a Muslim, an America hater, an appeaser and friend of terrorists, a socialist and communist, and a corrupt Chicago politician. They even accused him of wanting to teach sex education to kindergartners for Christ's sake! So gee -- how'd that plan work out for you guys? I guess not so good considering that the American voters said, "Ya know what, all that's not so bad, at least he ain't a fucking lying Republican." ---- MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! MUAHA!!

To all my despondent, bed-wetting, right-wing Republican friends --- all I have to say is --- fucking get over it.


Thursday, November 06, 2008

Obamamania --- No Known Cure!

Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are

Hahaha! Hey, at least liberals haven't lost the ability to laugh at and poke fun at themselves. The conservatives are still trying to figure out why Fox's "The 1/2 Hour News Hour" wasn't as funny as Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert - LOL! And god forbid if one of their own were to make fun of their movement -- they'd instantly label them a traitor and petition to send them to Gitmo. Poor, humorless bastards.


Friday, October 31, 2008

Boo!! Rashid Khalidi! Boo!! Happy Halloween . . . From John McCain & Sarah Palin

Keith Olbermann, god bless his soul, steamrolls, pisses on, shits on and then unceremoniously tosses in the dumpster the last-ditch, putrid effort by McCain and Palin to smear Obama as a Muslim/Terrorist sympathizer.

I refer to the Rashid Khalidi accusation.

I could effortlessly expend voluminous blog space explaining this non-issue in great detail, but it wouldn't have the visceral impact that Olbermann's demolition job has.

So take it away Keith-O!


Lying Their Way to Victory! (hopefully not)

This clip is a pretty fair summation of what the McCain/Palin campaign has been all about --- smearing by innuendo and lying. Their conservative ideology is bankrupt. They don't want to represent all of America, just the "Pro-Americans" (right-wing Republicans). They have no ideas, no vision, no heart -- nothing, nada, zilch. Just fear mongering and character assassination. It's time for change. Yes we can.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Big Business CEO Lies About Obama Small Business Tax Policy. . .

FactCheck.org demolishes conservative ad which is peddling lies about Obama's tax policies for small businesses.

Turns out the financier behind the ad is a right-wing pharmaceutical industry CEO who has ties to the McCain campaign.

I wonder if Joe the Plumber reads FactCheck.org? It might behoove him to do so since he seems confused about how the Obama/Biden tax policies might affect his pipe dream (pun intended) to purchase his boss' plumbing business some day in the distant future.


Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan Were Socialists!

Former Nixon, Ford, and Reagan presidential advisor and Republican David Gergen educates the rubes who are bobble-head nodding in unison over the charges from McCain and Palin that Obama is a "socialist."

Gergen quite correctly points out that two of the most revered Republican Presidents of the 20th century, Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan, by virtue of their tax policies, were socialists too.

Good job David. Not that the irony of it will penetrate the plasma force-field of stupidity that the conservative rubes have enveloped themselves in, but it gets an "A" for effort in my book.


McCain Pwned by Obama!

This is the perfect mocking response to the McCain/Palin childish taunting that "Obama is a socialist" crap.


Why Do Conservatives Hate Democracy?

The right wing flying-monkey-brigades have been whining ad nauseum about a 40 year old community organizing outfit called ACORN, who they claim this election year are systematically subverting the electoral process and democracy through "massive" voting fraud.

Of course, their dumb rube followers buy that horseshit hook line and sinker because poll after poll after poll suggests that this year's slate of sub-par GOP candidates is on the verge of getting their clocks cleaned in the coming election next week.

Here's a simple explanation of the difference between voting registration fraud and voting fraud. It's so simple that even your average Republican rube, without expending too many of their precious few brain cells, can understand it.

Voting "registration" fraud means registrars (usually paid workers) are not doing the job they were hired to do which is to collect and turn in valid voter registration forms. Instead because they're lazy, stupid, or whatever other dumb reason, they fill out the forms themselves with false/phony names addresses, etc and turn them in to meet their quota.

Let me put it in even more simplistic rube terms. Some ass-hat, minimum-wage paid registrar, who just wants to get a paycheck so he can buy some beer and cigarettes, turns in a bunch of voter registration forms with names like Jack Daniels, Johnny Walker Red, Tom Collins, Barney Fife, Billy Kidd, Ike Clanton, etc. The forms may also have equally fraudulent addresses such as 1313 Mockingbird Lane, 77 Sunset Blvd., etc. So -- follow along now -- the premise being promulgated by right-wing pundits is that somebody is actually going to show up at a voting station on election day, try to sign in using the name of Barney Fife, and the address of 1313 Mockingbird Lane, and cast a ballot for an evil Democrat which will undermine the celestially chosen GOP candidate. If you believe that scenario, you not only deserve to be called a rube, you actually are more deserving of being called an insanely gullible fucking moron.

By law, in most states, voter registration outfits like ACORN are required to process and submit each and every form that is handed in to them from their registrars, regardless of whether they deem them problematic. And the simple truth is, the vast majority of these fraudulent registration forms are weeded out by a variety of checks and balances that are employed by your typical state elections apparatus. Actual voting fraud is rare for the simple reason that the penalty carries jail time and fines which is an unappealingly low-return for the crime committed. Thanks however to incessant whining and blatant lying on the part of GOP pundits and operatives, the crime of "voting fraud" has reached urban myth-like proportions amongst angst-ridden conservatives who are experiencing nightmarish visions of hordes of brown people taking over their country at every turn.

So it's no surprise hearing them whining and braying about voting fraud these past few weeks, especially considering the corrupt GOP is poised to be on the losing end of voter wrath come next Tuesday November 4th. This year, their manufactured bogey man of choice is ACORN. Big, bad, cheating (oh and mostly minority) ACORN.

Here's a dirty little secret though (secret to only the right-wing rubes because they're too fucking ignorant to get it or just dont' give a rat's ass) --- the absolute bulk of the valid voters who will have their constitutionally guaranteed right to vote disenfranchised on Tuesday will be minority Democrats. And that disenfranchisement will come at the hands of partisan, party officials in several states who will use every underhanded method known to electoral fraudsters since the art of election theft was invented. And their goal will be to prevent as many minorities and democrats from voting that they possibly can. What these people are doing is un-American, it's anti-democratic, and it's criminal.

If by some "miracle" McCain and Palin win on Tuesday, this country is in for some troubled times and 100% of the blame can be laid squarely at the feet of the ruthless democracy-hating pricks who, like their hero George W. Bush, believe the paper which our Constitution is written on is the equivalent of paper with which they can use to wipe their asses with. One thing's for certain -- Mussolini and Hitler would be proudly smiling up from hell.


Monday, October 27, 2008

Grand Old Propaganda . . .

Not that it'll convince the Murdoch sheep -- but this clip is just additional proof that the droning chant by the fork-tongued con artists at Fox News about their network being "Fair and Balanced" is the biggest, maggot-infested, steaming pile of bullshit around.

A "reputable" news organization wouldn't have been hyper-actively pimping the phony Ashley Todd story like Fox was if they weren't in the business of promoting a certain toxic political agenda. What's gotten less press, and yet is even more disturbing, are the reports alleging that a high-level Pennsylvania McCain campaign operative was actively shopping the story around before police had even finished their investigation into the incident. I think it's a fair indication of how sleazy and low the McCain/Palin camp will slink when they are caught red-handed desperately peddling tripe like this story to the mainstream press. And Faux News was an all too willing participant in that desperation.

Ultimately, I don't know why some people find the fact that Fox is a propaganda arm of the Republican party so hard to comprehend. Just accept it ok? The truth shall set you free!


Fair and Balanced My Ass!

Wow. What a rude, dissembling, and very annoying C*nt (yes, that's C*nt with a capital 'C'). Megyn Kelly earns her coveted little Rupert Murdoch brownie points in this clip. Beware -- watching it is the equivalent of lots of fingernails scraping across a chalkboard.

I think the well-paid borgs at Fox have so deluded themselves with their obnoxiously redundant "Fair and Balanced" mantra, they think just because a majority of their flesh-eating zombie viewers believe it, it must be true! Lol. I don't begrudge them their little GOP propaganda media outlet. Just stop with the fucking lying about being "Fair and Balanced." It really is as simple as that.


Bed-Wetting Nazis In Plot to Kill Obama . . .

I'm beginning to think that maybe we should keep Gitmo open after all. I think it would be a very nice place to house these intellectually-challenged, cowardly, America-hating freaks in.

The ATF, the law enforcement people who McCain pal G. Gordon Liddy says you should aim at their heads to kill them, breaks up a plot to assassinate Senator Barack Obama and murder innocent African-American high-school kids.

Sigh . . .


Another Republican Crook Bites The Dust . . .

Alaska GOP Senator Ted "Hulk" Stevens gets convicted on corruption charges. How bad was it? Unanimously guilty on all 7 counts.

Oh, and lest it be left unsaid, Stevens is BFF's with Sarah Palin. Why is Sarah Palin "palling around" with convicted felons? Just asking . . .


Thursday, October 23, 2008

You Go Opie!! Woooooo Hoooooo!!

See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

You know when you've lost Opie, Andy and The Fonz, it's all over but the crying. Lol.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Trouble In WingNut Paradise?

I can dream can't I?

Do Shoes Make The Man?

A picture is worth a thousand words -- so it's been said. Gee If I were to guess who the real "elitist" is just by viewing this picture (click on picture for zoom view) . . . 'nuff said.


Monday, October 20, 2008

Who are the real socialists?

The introduction of Joe the Plumber (the guy who isn't really a plumber, who doesn't really earn $250k a year and who is nowhere near being able to buy his boss's business - he's actually somewhat of a bum) into our political discourse this past week is the latest outrage du jour that's causing veins to pop on conservative foreheads from sea to shining sea.

The McCainiacs and the Palinbots have taken to the streets, and to the airwaves and to the printed word, in a wild-eyed effort to use Joe the fake plumber as red white and blue proof that Barack Obama is a "socialist" intent on taking money from hard-working Joe's paycheck and redistribute it to the welfare queens and the illegal immigrants and the working poor democrats and deny Joe his chance at the American dream.

Aside from the laughable proposition that Joe and his new BFF's have probably had more money stolen from them just in the past month by the Wall Street embezzlers than could ever be trickled down in lifetime of incrementally increased payroll taxes, you really have to wonder whether they even have the slightest bit of intellectual acumen to understand what true socialism is.

My online dictionary defines "socialism" basically this way:


1. a political theory advocating state ownership of industry
2. an economic system based on state ownership of capital

Apparently our angst-ridden, perturbed conservative friends haven't yet to catch on that the largest socialist program ever to cut a swath across America's golden plains of capitalism has taken place not only in their lifetimes, but has actually occurred just in the past several weeks. I refer of course to the massive Wall Street and banking industry bailout that is putting a whole industry and a hefty sum of it's capital under state ownership. The only caveat for this socialism is that it benefits not Joe the plumber or Dan the dairy man, but instead financially props up those dregs of society named Rockefeller, Chase and Carnegie.

Honestly though, based on the gnashing of teeth and mindless accusations flying spittle-covered out of the mouths of conservatives, I am convinced that your average Joe the plumber or Dan the dairy man wouldn't know socialism if it walked up to him on the street and bitch-slapped him. The extent of their knowledge of socialism begins and ends with each of them red-faced, pointing fingers and screaming at the top of their lungs -- "Obama is a socialist." Their fire-breathing tirades aimed at the Illinois Senator are almost like watching old 1930's news reels of Nazi-instigated German bourgeois citizens screaming "Juden" while throwing bricks at the windows of Jew-owned businesses and dragging Jews out of their homes and business by the hair into the waiting arms of the Brownshirt thugs -- the same thugs who told them the Jews were the cause of their economic misery. What a sad spectacle.

Another fact that amuses me to no end about Joe and his friends' willful ignorance on this subject is that they have been told on many occasion by their political hero John McCain that he himself is a Teddy Roosevelt Republican. Well, if anything positive can be said at this stage about McCain it's that he is Rush Limbaugh smart, I'll give him that. He and his handlers certainly know how to appeal to the base instincts of the rubes on an emotional and anti-intellectual level. Of course, once again, if the rubes were to be plied with a modest dose of real facts, they'd probably think it some evil communist brain-washing tactic. Here's a few quotes from that great anti-socialist Teddy Roosevelt, that if one were to attribute them to Barack Obama, would likely cause the poor wingnut brains to explode en-masse:
"As a matter of personal conviction, and without pretending to discuss the details or formulate the system, I feel that we shall ultimately have to consider the adoption of some such scheme as that of a progressive tax on all fortunes..."

"The man of great wealth owes a peculiar obligation to the State, because he derives special advantages from the mere existence of government."

"The inheritance tax . . . is both a far better method of taxation, and far more important for the purpose of having the fortunes of the country bear in proportion to their increase in size a corresponding increase and burden of taxation."

So, in a sense, it's kind of fun watching the wing-nuts twist themselves into pretzel shapes trying to deny reality and truth and instead embrace the emotional caterwauling of their political puppet masters. What's not fun is watching a proud nation devolve into a state of affairs where a large percentage of the populace embraces neo-fascist ideals compounded by hatred and willful ignorance. It does not bode well for the long-term survival of our democracy.


Broken Minds & Souls = A Broken Society . . .

To me, the craziest part of this interview isn't the thick-headed woman expressing her repugnant, ass-backwards religious views and her thinly-veiled bigotry. I've come to expect that from these revolting people.

Actually, I was more awestruck that the meek, obviously whipped husband sat there silently while his wife tells a nation-wide television audience that if he isn't considering voting for her chosen presidential candidate, there is something wrong with him and he is therefore an inferior human being who's tortured soul is in need of a biblical intervention. What a pitiable sight.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama For President!

It's the first, very important step for Powell in rehabilitating an image tarnished by his association with the den of lying thieves known as the Bush Administration.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Queen of the Witch Hunts ....

If proof ever existed that the Republican party is now the Neo-Nazi party of the United States of America -- please explain an alternative view of what this dysfunctional Republican Congresswoman bimbo is saying. No fucking spin.


Friday, October 17, 2008

American Brown Shirts In Action . . .

Not content to allow the Justice Department controlled by their own party to determine whether the community organizing group ACORN has actually committed any crimes or not, the right-wing goose-steppers have deemed it their role to mete out their own warped brand of justice.

When it comes right down to it, these yellow-belly cowards, who anonymously threaten peoples lives and commit property crimes in the dead of night are really the lowest form of citizen in this country. They are absolutely a throw-back to the Nazi Brownshirts of pre-war Germany just as Hitler was coming into power. They are not Americans and I would go so far as to say they are Terrorists who should probably be warming a plot of cement in a place called Guantanamo Bay.

They are the poster children for self-pitying losers the world over. They can't win the hearts and minds of the American people on the merits of their ideas and vision, so instead they throw tantrums, verbally express their hateful fantasies in public rallies and online, intimidate and threaten those they disagree with, and engage in violent crimes against property as a means of demonstrating their rage at their perceived persecutors.

What a sorry ass lot they all are.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Of Nuts and Dolts . . .

Aside from the crankyness, the bluster and the all-too obvious snearing disdain for Senator Obama, there was one thing more than anything that McCain said in last night's debate that had me initially scratching my head only to slowly realize the idiocy of it which then pushed me into full-gale laughter.

McCain stated that the community outreach program ACORN "is now on the verge of maybe perpetuating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy."

It was like getting smashed in the head with the stupid sledge-hammer. Took me a full minute to realize what McCain was saying.

And once I figured it out, imagine my surprise to find out that our vaunted Democracy's number one imminent ("on the verge") threat is not Osama Bin-Laden, it's not Al-Qaeda, it's not Islamo-fascism (whatever the fuck that is). Hell, it's not even the den of thieving robber barons on Wall Street who've fleeced the country and left us all sitting on the stoop of the poor house. Nope -- John McCain states that our Democracy is "on the verge" of being destroyed by a group of American community organizers because they dare involve themselves in the godawful activity of assisting poor and lower middle income Americans to participate in this anti-democratic activity called "voting." The HORROR!!

With an expansive program such as they have, there's bound to be some shenanigans here and there and there absolutely have been a few isolated cases where ACORN paid canvassers have been prosecuted for voter REGISTRATION fraud. In those cases, ACORN has publicly supported the investigations of employees submitting fraudulent voter registration information, has fired them if evidence supports the charges, and has stated its concern with false information on registration forms. ACORN has been cooperative in these investigations.

Now here's the kicker, ACORN has been doing this kind of voter outreach work for more than 35 years --- why all of a sudden are they an imminent threat to "the fabric of democracy?" Gee -- is it possible it could have anything to do with the fact that the GOP is staring down the gun barrel of an electoral massacre in 3 short weeks?? Nawww --- they aren't that cynical are they? And now comes news that the FBI has leaked a story about an investigation of ACORN, virtually on the eve of the election. One of the Republican U.S. Attorneys fired by that corrupt little toad Alberto Gonzalez in the U.S. Attorney purge scandal, David Iglesias of New Mexico, states this development is pure politics, "a scare tactic," and smacks of the same unethical Justice Department politicization that got him and and several other Republican U.S. Attorneys sacked.

Ultimately, it's an eye-opening indication of how desperate the Republican thugs are. The American people aren't responding to their gutter politics and are threatening to hold the Republican party , their President and their Presidential candidate accountable for the current sad state of affairs in this country on November 4th.

Mark my words -- if the GOP is somehow able to steal this election for McCain/Palin, look to see these ACORN investigations slowly fade from view post-election. It's how they usually end up. Pretty pathetic.


O.H.I.O. = Oh so Hateful In Ohio . . .

Speaks for itself. But if you need some assistance figuring it out, here you go:

Obviously not all Ohioans are as ignorant and hatefully bigoted as these haystacks are, so the intent is not to broadbrush paint all of them with that charge. Point being, there are plenty of these small-minded goobers all over this country and they really need to be shamed either into irrelevant obscurity or into changing there 18th century ways of thinking. Regardless, they are an embarrasment to the rest of the world who look to this country as a shining example of the world's premier democracy.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

John McCain Takes A Ride in The Wayback Machine . . .

Jon Stewart does the media's supposed job by calling bullshit when he sees it, and he should be thanked for it. It's a pretty sad statement on the quality of our mainstream press/media when a cable tv comedian has to point out the obvious snow job being foisted on the American people. What a sorry fucking embarrassment our national media is - truly. I too saw the "new" McCain speech on an internet news clip and experienced the same confused, deja vu feeling Jon Steward did.

Anyhow, if it weren't so sad, it would be some knee-slapping funny shit.


Btw -- for you youngsters who don't know about The Wayback Machine - [Click Here]

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Palin's Alaska Abuse of Power . . . Proving Her GOP Credentials It Seems . . .

In the wake of yesterday's report released by the Alaska Legislative Council, which found that Sarah Palin had violated state ethics laws and abused her power by trying to have her former brother-in-law fired as a state trooper, the McCainiacs and the Palinbots are spinning their wheels furiously today in a vain attempt to paint the investigation as a political (partisan) witch hunt.

To the McCain/Palin brain-dead followers, no doubt that argument will resonate profoundly -- although it's not entirely unexpected from people who've hypnotized themselves into believing that Barack Obama is a stealth Muslim terrorist.

Therefore it goes without saying that the McCain/Palin campaign knows they can count on their zombies to blame the media and the evil Liberals (Democrats) for this report and so they are all too happy to oblige them with statements like this one from a McCain spokesman:

"I think the American people can tell the difference between the results of a politically motivated investigation and a legitimate finding of fact," campaign spokesman Taylor Griffin said.

But facts are pesky things folks - and there are a few facts which completely shred the ridiculous partisan accusations -- not unlike the way the buckshot from Dick Cheney's birdgun shredded his shooting buddy's face in the infamous Elmer Fudd "hunting" incident.

Anyhow -- the facts I'm referring to are these:

1. The Alaska Legislative Council opened this probe in June of this year - a full 4 months before McCain tapped Sarah Palin to be his VP running mate and before anyone even knew who the hell she was. Palin at that time agreed to cooperate fully with the probe. However, once she became McCain's VP pick, they began stonewalling the investigation, all to no avail though as the Alaska Judicial system turned down all of their pleas to quash the probe and report.

2. The Alaska Legislative Council is made up of 12 members from the Alaska House and Senate. 10 of those members are Republicans. 2 are Democrats.

3. The report released yesterday was done so unanimously by the Council on a 12-0 vote.

So - in essence -- if you are of the belief, as the McCain/Palin people want you to be, that this investigation was an evil partisan Democrat exercise, you must be willing to concede then, that the 10 Republican lawmakers on the Council are all either traitors to their party or all have some unknown personal grudge against Sarah Palin. And that's what it boils down to -- believing in the unbelievable.

Frankly, I'm sick and fucking tired --- tired! of the no-accountability-ever people who permeate the ranks of the Republican party. And they wonder why they are staring straight into the barrel of an electoral drubbing cannon come November.

Maybe instead of blaming the media and liberals for this Palin debacle, you all ought to blame the real villains --- the right-wing, fundamentalist nutjobs who convinced McCain and his people that picking a no-name, inexperienced, not very bright, fundamentalist christian tool (who happened also to be a woman) as a running mate was a marvelous idea.

But that would bring us back full circle to the accountability issue then wouldn't it? And god knows we can't have the Republicans and conservatives show weakness by actually accepting accountability for their own actions now can we? C'est la vie.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Willie Sings the Truth . . .

A couple of Friday music clips from my favorite tokin' cowboy hippie.



They Don't Call Them the Rabid Right For Nothing . . .

A Baltimore Sun columnist and former McCain supporter has had his fill of the recent McCain/Palin hate-fests disguised as political rallies and he has some choice words for the Maverick and his pit bull.


Fox News -- GOP Zombie HQ . . .

I tune in occasionally to Fox News, if for anything, just to keep current on the latest lies and smears they have going on. Truth be told though, a 5-minute Fox watching session is a journey into darkness which slaughters more of my brain cells en-masse than any tequila bender ever could. Therefore I am very careful to limit my intake of that toxic poison (Fox, not tequila) with the utmost concern for my mental health.

Jon Stewart knows what I'm talking about and describes it in this clip.


Plowing Thru the Right-Wing Bullshit

The man who lead the prosecution to put William Ayers' and his old radical 60's/70's group The Weathermen in prison says the GOP attempts to directly link Obama to Ayers and his anti-establishment activities of 40 years ago is a big steaming, putrid pile of bullshit.

And the coup de grace of the whole sordid smear mission is that it turns out that the reason the prosecution of Ayers and The Weathermen failed was "because of illegal activities, including wiretaps, break-ins and mail interceptions, initiated by John N. Mitchell, attorney general at that time, and W. Mark Felt, an F.B.I. assistant director." In other words -- Tricky Dick Nixon's Republican dirty tricks squad ruined it.

Of course, facts are not something McCain/Palin and their bug-eyed zombie followers care a whit for, so don't expect any change in strategy in their campaigning. They will continue to stir up their goose-stepping rubes, sowing them with unfounded fear with the hoary tale of Obama's terrorist "pal." And they do so very simply because they are shameless liars and desperate whores whose lust for power is insatiable and amidst the throes of their lusting -- the truth be god-damned.


Parade of Ugly Americans . . .

While the very extreme fringes of the left have their idiot nutcases who entirely deserve to be ignored and marginalized, the fact of the matter is they have very little influence much less operational control over the mainstream progressive/liberal movement.

On the other hand, the brain-dead fascists and the lunatics shown in this video clip comprise the heart and soul of your modern day Republican party. They are the so-called "base" of the GOP.

These people remind me of the hell-rejected zombies in George Romero's landmark horror movie Dawn of The Dead --- lifeless, dead souls, aimlessly and bitterly wandering America's landscapes, desperately searching for some normal human being who has yet to succumb to the evil to attack and rip apart and devour. They really are some sad, pathetic, ignorant sons of bitches and I, for better or worse, cannot bring myself to feel any empathy with or for them. Once again as mentioned in a previous post, I can only feel shame knowing that these individuals claim to represent this great country of ours while simultaneously claiming sole ownership of the act of national patriotism.

In reality, they are, to put it bluntly, the mirror opposite of all that is good about America and it's citizens and they need to be told so by everyone who values concepts like fairness, honesty, civility, freedom of expression, constitutional law, compassion (not the conservative kind), and respect for all human life -- not just the "Murrikan" kind.


Thursday, October 09, 2008

Don't Let The Bastards Get You Down . . .

I've never been a huge fan of Kris Kristofferson's music - probably more of a fan of his acting outings to be honest. But there have been a few songs he's done over the years that I've liked. Here's one that is an apt metaphor for the dreadful times we are living in.

Dedicated to any and all who aren't afraid to speak up and publicly voice their opinions -- and to question authority -- even while being labled a traitor and a terrorist lover and an America hater. The accusers fear the truth. It's the one weapon they have no defense for. Stand firm, stand together -- and fight back.


GOP - Grand Old Prevaricators

William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!

There you have it folks. Those are the answers that the GOP, McCain and Palin have to give to the American people who are asking serious questions about the serious issues facing the country and each and every one of us. They have nothing else. They are vision-less losers. And anyone who hitches their caboose to that out-of-steam, broken down old locomotive of bankrupt ideology and politics is a loser too.

Even the GOP ass-kissing mainstream media, as evidenced in this video clip, is getting sick of their childish act (about goddamn time too.)

And that my friends is a reality-based-community observation you can believe in.


Who Left The Doors Unlocked to The Insane Asylum?

If ever there existed video-taped proof that the remaining 20% of the rabidly insane Bush supporters have morphed overnight into zombie robot soldiers from Hell for Sarah Palin -- this video clip is it.

I actually had to force myself to watch this dreck three times before I could get myself to comprehend the totality of the idiocy in all of it's glorious pervertedness. It made me want to take a scalding hot shower and have a couple of stiff drinks afterward.

I've been saying it for years -- to the sighing and eye-rolling of my detractors -- that the so-called "core" of the Republican party are neither true conservatives or true Republicans nor, dare say I, true Americans. They are mindless, end-times worshipping, racist, Democracy loathing fuckheads who if transported back in time would have prospered nicely under fascist regimes like those of 1930's Germany and Mussolini's Italy. They don't care about facts, they don't care about fairness, they don't care about educating themselves in any way, shape or form in order to understand the world beyond their picket white fences or to exercise sound judgement about any issue that impacts all of us. Their worldview is the fundamentalist Christian mirror image of the equally vile Islamic extremists whom they believe are ready to invade our shores any day now to conquer and convert us. They are pathetic.

I'm truly ashamed to call these people my fellow Americans.


Suppress The Vote '08! Election Thuggery In Full Swing . . .

A friend of mine is of the belief that I'm in the gloating or crowing stage over an imminent Obama victory.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. The reason being is I am fully cognizant of the GOP's very successful abilities for electoral tampering and voter suppression. We saw evidence of it in 2000 in Florida against Gore as well as in 2004 in Ohio against Kerry.

Every exit poll in Ohio in 2004 showed Kerry wining by 5-7% and he actually ends up losing by that same amount. Exit polling has been used for decades and has been a very reliable indicator of the final outcomes of state and national elections. What happened in Ohio in 2004 was more than just a once in a lifetime anomaly -- it was downright suspicious.

Anyhow, now we hear of some quite possibly illegal voter purge activity taking place in several battleground states just a few weeks before this year's historically important election. The NYT report states that "voters appear to have been purged by mistake and not because of any intentional violations by election officials or coordinated efforts by any party." Gee -- where have I heard that lame denial before? I'd be willing to wager a month's pay that the vast majority of the voters purged were minority and/or Democrat. Any takers on that bet??

Anyhow, the bottom line is, I will not be gloating or crowing about anything until the morning of Nov. 5th when I read with my own two eyes those headlines blaring -- "Obama/Biden In Landslide Victory!!"


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Sarah and Todd -- "Palling-Around" with Terrorists?

Olbermann lays the smack-down on Sarah Plain and Dumb. And yes, I do want to know more about the Palins' association with the America-hating secessionist group (AIP) in Alaska. It's a relationship that's a helluva lot more recent and tangible than Obama's fleeting association with former 60's radical William Ayers on a couple of Chicago charitable foundation boards. It's so fucking laughable to hear the right-wingers pooh-pooh Palin's radical right ties -- more than anything it really highlights their absurd hypocrisy when it comes to this vile guilt-by-association game which they so love to play.

Ahh yes -- so many lies to tell and so few pre-election days to tell them in. I've no doubt Palin/McCain will certainly do their best to cram as many personal smears and lies that they possibly can into this short window of time in their overtly desperate attempt to catapult their pathetic ticket to White House victory.


Sunday, October 05, 2008

Saturday, October 04, 2008


A little bit of self promotion and a simple statement of what I think of the lame-asses who believe Sarah Palin is ready to lead the most powerful nation in the free world.

May take a little while to load. Be patient.


The Rueful Expectations of The Criminally Insane . . .

Watching Sarah Palin in her debate with Joe Biden was, simply put, an incredibly mind-numbing experience. Everytime she opened her mouth all I could think of was the Marge Gunderson character from the movie Fargo. And boy -- listening to the right-wingers the next day oohing! and ahhing! over Palin's dismally dimwitted performance, only served to push my idiocy-soaked brain past the numb stage and into the comatose stratum.

Anyhow, Bill Maher states the obvious alot more eloquently than I can in this clip.


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Coal Miners for Obama . . . Who'd Have Thunk It?

Hehe. Even some rough blue collar coal-miners are sick of the conservatives trying to shove their stained brand of fucked up politics and lies down their throats. Here they tell the NRA and their right-wing political sugar daddy mine owners to fuck off by shutting down their coal mine for a day. Good for them.

It's always a good sign when people stand up to the political bullying of fascists. Now, if we could only transplant some of that courage into the spine of the Democratic Leadership, we might actually be able to accomplish some good for the country.


Lies Upon Lies Upon Lies Upon Lies Upon Lies . . .

I'm getting really fucking sick and tired of the no-accountability neo-conservatives falling all over themselves in a pitiful attempt to place the mantle of blame for the whole Wall Street mess on the heads of the working poor and minorities. What a pathetic bunch of dishonest losers.

I have a couple of acquaintances who, out of sheer ignorance, or prejudice or hatefulness or perhaps a combination of all, are buying into the Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, Hewitt, Dobbs, (name your right wing pundit) crock of shit meme that the preponderance of blame is to be assigned to the poor and minorities because they were the people who applied for home loans without actually possessing the qualifications to earn those loans.

Thomas Frank rams a red-hot spear of truth through the black heart of that right-wing nonsense in this Wall Street Journal editorial.

The key excerpt:

There is no way to measure the number of people who took out mortgages they knew they couldn’t afford, of course, but for what it’s worth, a 2007 report by the Mortgage Bankers Association reports that the FBI estimates “80 percent of all reported fraud losses arise from fraud for profit schemes that involve industry insiders.” That means the lenders, not the borrowers.

Just imagine the flights of fancy that the theory of borrower malevolence and Wall Street victimization requires conservatives to take: All these no-account folks, you see, got together and forced investment banks to engineer subprime mortgages into highly leveraged securities. Then they tricked all manner of hedge funds and pension funds and financial institutions into buying these lousy products. Just for good measure, these struggling homeowners then persuaded bond-rating agencies to misrepresent the risk associated with these securities.

Now imagine what such a fantastic scheme, if true, would mean for capitalism itself. This economic system, glorified by all, dominates the globe today, bidding prices up and down, forcing entire nations to change their ways to better suit its needs, and yet it is so fragile that when challenged by the weakest members of society and a handful of community organizers it simply crumbles. Thank goodness the Soviets never figured this out.

But it all fits in with the neo-conservative profile -- no accountability ever for themselves or their wealthy benefactors! And ALWAYS! blame those with the least power and influence in society, just because they're easy targets.

Yep -- that's our Neo-Cons -- with the con most certainly meaning "con artists." I'm convinced that if this country is to survive, the sane citizens that remain amongst us need to combine forces to deliver a knockout blow to this contemptible ideological movement -- one which will cement it's place forever in the dustbin of history where it rightfully belongs.


Friday, September 26, 2008

On the Cutting Room Floor . . .

The Charlie Gibson interview with Sarah Palin a couple of weeks ago offered a tantalizing, albeit too brief, view into the mindset of the Wasilla Hockey Mom who would would be Queen.

As is typical of these types of sit-down teevee interviews, it was edited to conform to the television format time constraints.

Here's a out-take snippet of that interview that didn't make it on to American's teevee sets:


Thursday, September 25, 2008

We Was Robbed!

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They'll Shoot Their Eyes Out!

Gee -- what a shocker. A rabidly conservative organization resorting to lies to peddle it's agenda! The National Gun-goon Association puts on their tin-foil hats every election to rally their militia-men to try and influence elections - always for the GOP of course. Every year they seem to get a little nuttier and more paranoid though. I'm beginning to think that some of the late Charlton Heston's Alzheimer ravaged brain cells may have rubbed off on this group's leaders as a whole. Unfortunately it's the leaders of the NRA who give the whole organization a black eye with their "jack-booted thugs" comments and their wholesale paranoia every time anyone dares debate putting even so much as sensible controls on the proliferation of the more deadly firearms in this country.

Anyhow, they're at it again, chicken-little screeching that the sky is falling and that mean ol' Obama is gonna take their cap pistols away from them. These guys are absolutely entitled to their opinions and participation in the political process, however, they are not entitled to lie about the political candidates they choose to oppose. It serves only to make their organization as a whole look petty and dishonest.

Thankfully there are sane, honest entities out there that take an unbiased look at such claims to verify their truthfulness. In this case FactCheck.org bitch slaps the NRA for peddling their toxic brand of gun-powder fueled bullshit. Good for them.



Friday, September 19, 2008

Cue the Laugh Track . . . .

Ha-ha-ha-ha! Fucking priceless! Rush Limbaugh and the GOP weeping like infants because that big old bully Obama said something mean about them - ROFLMAO!

Obama puts out a Spanish language ad which basically shines an admittedly harsh spotlight on anti-immigrant statements that the right, and specifically the racist Limbaugh, have made over the years along with some generic statements about McCain that tie him to Limbaugh and the rest of the virulently anti-immigrant crowd. And now the GOP is crying foul.

Cry me a fucking river wingnuts. You guys sure can dish out the punishment but when you get some of it thrown back in your face you cry and whine like the gutless little bitches that you are.

It's interesting and ironic to note that the GOP whining here doesn't address the truthfulness of the Obama ad (because it is true) -- only the meanness of it. There's just something intrinsically twisted and pathetic, not to mention comical, about a group of cruel, heartless assholes begging for sympathy because they're getting picked on. Lol!

Keep it up Obama. Give the pricks a taste of their own medicine for a change and don't back down.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

From Hooverville to Bushtown . . .

An explosion in Tent cities across America. Must be one of those wonderful fundamentals of the economy that John McCain is claiming is so strong.

Funny how there's trillions of dollars to bail out the crooked Wall Street investors but no money to help out our own American citizens in times of hardship. This is what the Republicans refer to as the "ownership society." What it really means is they own all the wealth in addition to your sorry ass and fuck you if you don't like it.

In the end it's just another glorious accomplishment that Bush & Cheney can add to their destructive legacy. Herbert Hoover must be one jealous sonofabitch.


Belief In The Unbelievable - - A Hallmark Conservative Trait

Watching the right's knee-jerk swooning at the announcement of Sarah Palin as John McCain's VP pick these past few weeks has really cemented the view I have that these people are truly nothing more than gullible, glassy-eyed cult followers, whose yearning for a rigid authoritarian, theological figurehead to lead them out of the wilderness and into the waiting arms of end times prophecy poses an imminent danger to representative democracy in this country.

Palin was a completely unknown political entity prior to August 29, 2008 when John McCain plucked her from relative obscurity to be his Vice Presidential running mate. She was an 18 month purportedly populist Governor of the nation's least populated state, who's rapid rise to executive power within Alaska mirrored that of Jesse Ventura's celebrity-fueled and unseemly rise to the Governorship of Minnesota in 1998.

What's disturbingly striking about Palin's lightning fast ascension though is the swiftness with which conservatives sublimated her to goddess-like stature once her religious views and stances on conservative hot button social issues like abortion, gay marriage and guns were known. It's almost as if those few views alone, in conservative's minds, were automatic and unquestionable qualifications for election to the 2nd highest leadership post in the country and a heartbeat away from the ultimate executive position.

There was no desire or curiosity by the right to know whether Palin knew anything about foreign affairs or the complexities of economic policies or even general knowledge of the world beyond the borders of Wasilla, Alaska (pop. 7,025). Nothing else mattered to her instantly star-struck disciples other than knowing she was an evangelical Christian, opposed all abortion, opposed gay marriage and supported the NRA.

The media was also caught up in the whirlwind of Hurricane Sarah. There was some Enquirer-like attention devoted to a bizarre story of her suddenly announced, pregnant teen-aged daughter. And also some tepid interest in an on-going, in-state scandal involving her firing of Alaska's top public safety official over a tiff involving a state trooper and his messy divorce with Palin's sister. Aside from that though, the media also appeared to be temporarily blinded by the explosive entry of this new super-nova personality onto the national political stage.

However, now that the initial novelty effect is starting to wear off, and combined with the recent news of the slow-motion collapse of America's financial empire, a lot of people, and the media, are starting to take a longer, harder look into who is Sarah Palin, what she stands for, and what truly are her qualifications for the job of Vice-President of the United States of America. And the harder people look, the scarier the reality of it all appears.

Here's another insightful article exposing the lie of the deceitfully crafted conservative myth that Sarah Palin is a legislative genius with ample executive governing experience to lead America forward into a complicated, dangerous 21st century. It's a sad and devastating look at how hype, personality marketing and preying on people's fears of the unknown, combined with religious and ideological manipulation, can elevate an entirely unworthy individual to a position of supreme power in the blink of an eye.

God help us all if these people succeed in their twisted ecclesiastical mission.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Decisions, Decisions . . .

Contrast the coherence and genuineness of the individual speaking in this clip . . .

. . . with the incoherence and scripted dissembling of the individual speaking in this clip . . .

On November 4th one of these men will be called upon to address all of the major issues facing this country and move America forward into the 21st Century. One of these men is the right choice for that task. One is not.

If you are honest and sane, the choice is clear.
