Friday, August 01, 2008

Anthrax Killer Found!!! . . . Dead!

Gee -- so the anthrax killer who terrified the nation for several months after 9/11 turns out to be a U.S. Army scientist from a U.S. Government lab in Maryland. I think the Bush administration has finally found their long sought weapons of mass destruction and lo and behold they were right there in Washington D.C.'s own back yard.

If anyone's memory fails, in 2001 - just a few weeks after Sept. 11th, letters containing anthrax were sent to Democratic Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy and several mainstream media outlets. 22 people were infected and 5 died from their exposure to the highly toxic substance. Subsequently, the anthrax attacks were used as another, in a long list of false jusitifications, by the Bush administration to bully Congress and the American people into supporting their premeditated and pre-9/11 plans to topple their former business partner Saddam Hussein and invade Iraq. Bush himself slyly referred to Iraq plotting to develop anthrax in his 2002 State of the Union address, knowing full well that the terror associated with the attacks was fresh in American memories.

Eventually the inept Bush administration identified a biowarfare defense specialist at Ft. Detrick Maryland named Dr. Stephen Hatfill as their primary suspect in the anthrax mailings. That 5 year bumbling investigation of Hatfill resulted in a June 27, 2008 exoneration of Hatfill by the U.S. government and a payout in the amount of $5.8 million U.S. taxpayer dollars to him.

And now, just a month after the Hatfill exoneration we get news that another military scientist on the government payroll, Bruce E. Ivins was the "real" culprit behind the deadly anthrax mailings. And true to form, as it is with anything involving the Bush regime, turns out Dr. Ivins suspiciously and suddenly died on Tuesday of this week after ingesting "massive" amounts of Tylenol with Codeine. Ivins' colleagues state that he had only recently been informed of his pending prosecution in the infamous anthrax attacks. The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute where Ivins was employed issued a statement about his death oddly with no mention of suicide.

So in the end folks, turns out we'll likely never know the absolute truth about the "other" 2001 terrorist attack on our soil. I'm sure the Bushies are saddened to hear of the unfortunate and untimely passing of Dr. Ivins. No doubt they yearned to know the truth of his actions and motives in the matter and above all wanted justice to be served . . . . and if you believe that, I've got a big, beautiful fucking bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

Sources (click link):

August 1, 2008 L.A. Times report on Bruce E. Ivins death

Gleen Greenwald analysis of media's role in tying anthrax scare to Iraq

Wikipedia entry on history/timeline of 2001 anthrax attacks

Wikipedia entry on Dr. Stephen Hatfill


Thursday, July 31, 2008

GOP = Gutter Old Politics

There you have it folks. This is what the Republican party has to offer as answers to the critical problems facing this country and it's citizens. A childish taunting aimed at their opponent which addresses not a single substantive issue that the American people are currently dealing with or will be dealing with in the coming years.


I've really, really been trying hard not to go postal on John McCain out of the past respect I've had for him, but it finally seems that he and his advisers have made a conscious decision to take the low road in this Presidential campaign and subscribe to the Karl Rove/Swiftboat liar's method of political campaigning. As far as I'm concerned this means all bets are off.

But is it any wonder? Wherever Barack Obama goes, domestically or internationally, hopeful people gather in the thousands to hear what this articulate, intelligent and visionary man has to say on the issues of the day.

McCain on the other hand seems content to rest on his laurels as a Vietnam POW, his 25 years sucking at the public teat in Congress, his phalanx of advisers culled from the ranks of the failed Bush administration and his incestuous relationship with the sycophantic, incompetent whores that commonly refer to themselves as the Washington Press Corp. When McCain does stray from his clubby political and media insider constituencies, and ventures into public venues, they're almost always small, pre-screened, pre-scripted events, not unlike the way Bush and Cheney manipulate their public appearances. Of the few public speaking engagements I've seen McCain appear at, the brief camera scans of the miniscule crowds basically show a bunch of pot-bellied, bearded middle-aged NRA nuts, random pairings of Larry Craig and Barbara Bush clones, a smattering of suit and tie stockbroker types, and of course, the token 1 or 2 brown-skinned individuals who I'm beginning to believe are simply some guys they found standing in the local unemployment line and paid a few hundred bucks to show up and pretend to be McCain supporters.

I've listened to 5 of Barack Obama's major speeches and 3 of McCain's speeches. The only way I can describe it is --- the difference is like getting a totally awesome lap dance from the smokingest-hottest stripper in the all nudie bar (Obama's speeches) or accidentally seeing your neighbor's 90 year old grandma undressing thru her bedroom window (McCain's speeches). Part of a President's job is to be an inspirational cheerleader for the country. The only thing McCain inspires me to do when I hear him speak is to pour another shot of God's nectar (Cabo Wabo tequila) and leisurely scroll thru the split-screen cable t.v. guide looking for re-runs of Spongebob episodes.

The media however is doing some heavy water carrying for McCain. He's gotten very minimal coverage on his never-ending series of verbal gaffes, his plethora of policy flip-flops, his failure to release his military records and his and his wife's tax records, his sucking up to the insane fundamentalist religious crowd and his horrendously wrong support of George W. Bush's and Dick Cheney's disastrous Iraq war. In the mainstream media's eyes, McCain is the mythical straight-talking, party bucking, Maverick war hero and to them his shit smells like a bouquet of freshly picked premium roses. It's quite pathetic to watch and as a result I am making a deliberate and conscious effort to avoid any mainstream news outlets during this Presidential election season. I saw what the corporate propagandists did to Gore and Kerry during their Presidential candidacies and it's proof enough to me that they cannot be trusted one iota to give the American people the truth about what's really going on in this country.

Anyhow, since McCain and his cynical pack of Rovian strategists don't appear to have any intention of running a clean election and giving the American people an honest, fair look at their policies and would rather sling mud at Obama while treating the media jackoffs to free barbeque cookouts and donuts, then the best thing people like me can do is to educate the ignorant dumbed-down masses, even though the majority are perfectly happy being ignorant and dumb and believe people like me are elite, latte-drinking, Volvo driving, communist, terrorist appeasers. It's a dirty, thankless job, but somebody has to do it.
