Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Bush Monarchy criminalizes T-shirt wearing . . .

War protestor and mother of dead soldier, Cindy Sheehan, was arrested yesterday in the U.S. Capitol gallery prior to Preznit Chimpy McSphincter's SOTU address. The heinous crime? Daring to wear a T-shirt with the printed slogan "2245 Dead. How many more?" on it.

Now, it's a known fact that Cindy Sheehan has an effect on the right-wing, war-mongering Rethuglicans like a saguaro cactus being forcefully shoved up their faux-patriot asses. Nothing gets them more foaming at the mouth vicious than a distraught and angry mother publicly demanding her government (in this case the Bush cabal) to explain why her child died in a war based on lies and deceit.

USA Today ran a short article (fairly innocuous) about the arrest of Sheehan, and in the comments section for that article, the bat-shit insane Bush boot-lickers came out in full force calling Sheehan everthing from an "Al Qaeda mom," "Baghdad Cindy," and a "stupid woman". Thankfully, it appears, these yellow-bellied, fascist Republican turds are a minority as the Sheehan and just plain free speech supporter's comments quickly overwhelmed their putrid vitriol.

Anyhow, I took a moment and added my own comment. It's printed here in it's entirety:

To all the Cindy Sheehan haters who smugly and aristocratically sniff about the "appropriate" time and place for a citizen to exercise their constitutionally protected right to free speech -- you're ignorance of the birth and growth of American Democracy is simply astounding.

In 1773, when 3 separate companies of 50 men each, masquerading as Mohawk Indians, boarded 3 of Britain's King George's ships anchored in Boston Harbor, broke open the tea chests therein, and summarily heaved them overboard into the water -- was that the "appropriate" time for them to dissent against the British repression?? Perhaps they should've taken into consideration the sensitivities of poor King George and waited until a time more convenient for the Redcoats and the royalty they slavishly served??

America's own, modern-day royalty, King George the 43rd, is a similar hollow figure of a man and leader (if he can even be called either). All of his public appearances are highly scripted and staged events, complete with carefully screened and advisor approved worshippers who ask scripted fluffball questions and robotically applaud on cue every time their dear leader mouths empty phrases and even emptier promises. All in all it's a bizarre Orwellian exercise methodically designed to not upset the boy King and his royal court of kingly minions.

Contrarily, outside of these phony "public" events, anyone who wishes to exercise the "right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances" is usually herded into a small chain link cage far enough away from the "public" venue so that once again, the Boy King is not subjected to any viewpoints other than those that sing his glorious and kingly praise.

Cindy Sheehan is a citizen of this country. She had every right to be in that gallery last night. She had, and still has, every right to "peaceably assemble and petition the Bush adminstration for a redress of grievances." And she has the right to do so at any public venue, anywhere!

And by God if that isn't agreeable to you Sheehan haters/Bush supporters, I seriously suggest that just maybe it is all of you who are the modern-day Redcoats and oppressors of Democracy and freedom!!

I strongly urge you all to re-familiarize yourselves with the history of Democracy in this country. You just might learn a thing or two.

Long live The Constitution and Bill of Rights!!!


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