Saturday, February 11, 2006

Psycho Hunters!! GOP Style . . .

I'm all for sensible legislation controlling the proliferation of handguns and assault weapons in our communities.

However when I read stories like this one where a Republican moron politician is introducing legislation allowing hunters to carry assault rifles and silencers while hunting, I just shake my head in glassy-eyed amazement. It's because of asinine shit like this that the gun-control crowd tends to go overboard in their efforts to legislate gun possession.

Can any of you "hunters" out there explain to me why the hell someone would have a need to hunt furry critters with a military-grade assault weapon or a silencer?? What kind of hunter is this?? I grew up in the midwest --- I don't ever recall any of the men-folk I was around as a kid shredding their deer or quail with automatic M-16's, or stealthily stalking their squirrels with silencer equipped .50 cals. What kind of fuck-tard, brain dead loser would consider themselves a "hunter" if they needed these types of advanced weaponry?

And of course it comes as absolutely no surprise that it's a Republican pushing this law. It's just another example which proves my long-stated contention that the Republican party has been wholesale hijacked by religious whackos, flag-waving fascists, corrupt corporate puppets and the criminally insane.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Krazee - Del told me about your website and I had to check it out. I love it when I find another damned liberal like me. LOL cya on dfx
Kevin Hurt (MrOuch2u)