Friday, March 24, 2006

All In The Family . . . Corruption - Bush Style

You know, some acquaintances of mine occasionally ask me why it is that I have such a virulent hatred for George W. Bush.

Actually it's not just dim son himself that I forthrightly despise -- it's his whole goddamned criminal enterprise family whom I believe ought to be exiled to some desolate island (near either arctic pole preferably) where they can continue to inbreed and ratfuck eachother into extinction.

The history of this faux blue-blood, aristocratic, larcenous bunch belies their current media-anointed status as America's wild west version of British royalty. The only part the onerous lapdog media leaves out of that bullshit narrative is the divulgence of the blatant institutional corruption, criminal endeavors and treasonous ventures which are the sad, but true hallmark underpinnings to the Bush Family's rise to fame and power.

We only have to go back about 70 years to Grandpappy Prescott Bush's appeasement of Hitler's Nazi regime in pre-war Germany, which led to his company assets being seized by the U.S. government in 1942 under the Trading With the Enemy Act, to see how far this Mafia lineage has come . From that time to the present day the Bush Crime Family has had their money-grubbing mitts in every form of white-collar crime known to exist (and they've probably invented a few crimes along the way).

Each of Poppy Bush41's sons have been groomed to learn a specific specialty of institutional criminal activity:

And last, but hardly least, we have:

Sigh . . . . so it really should come as no surprise that two new story's emerged this past week highlighting some more Bush family skullduggery (which usually means more money ends up in their Swiss bank accounts).

Here's the story of Babs "Ma Barker" Bush pretending to give a rat's ass about the child victims of the Hurrican Katrina disaster donating money to schools. There's one small caveat of course -- the money must be spent purchasing son Neil's Ignite! software educational programs!! My -- how fucking generous of the nasty old bat!!! Imagine that -- donating money to some poor homeless waifs which winds up back in the pockets of her darling thieving son. These fucks are so rotten and shameless it's unbelievable.

And then there's the story of Uncle "Bucky" Bush. He just pocketed a cool $1.9 million off the sale of a company which he was a board director of that profited from the Iraq war through various military contracts. Ol' Unka Bucky is an old school Bush crook -- no high tech banking or complex real estate fraud for him nosiree!! Just some old fashioned profiteering off the bloody corpses of American soldiers -- a grand Bush family tradition.

So, my friends and casual acquaintances, if that doesn't fully and adequately explain my blood-curdling hostility toward anything having to do with the Bush Crime Family, all I can say is pull your goddamn heads out of your asses, smell the coffee (take a big whiff!) and start fucking paying attention to those of us who have been shouting and screaming since day one that letting a Bush anywhere near the levers of political power would fuck over the people of this country a thousand times worse than the little white lie Clinton told about his free blowjob.


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