The "millions of dollars" worth of daily stolen Iraqi oil described in this story, along with the
$8-9 billion conveniently "lost" by Paul Bremer and the cartoonishly incompetent Iraq CPA in the post invasion time period, has got to be the most brazen, outrageous, diabolical robbery in the history of human thievery. I unapologetically use the words 'robbery' and 'thievery' because if anyone believes for a nano-second that none of that pilfered loot ended up in the Swiss bank accounts of Bush family members, political cronies, oil buddies, corporate donors, and an unholy assortment of thugs and career criminals on the Bush payroll --- well all I have to say to you is look up the word 'clueless' in the dictionary and don't be surprised if you find a picture of yourself there.A great many human lives have been expended and destroyed in pursuit of Bushco's damnable, cynical black crude heist. And with their beady, snake-like, bloodthirsty eyes set squarely on another middle-east oil producing country (
Iran -- the world's 4th largest producer of crude), the pile of corpses and level of human destruction and suffering can only increase.I remember a time when a legally-elected, sitting American President was impeached because he fibbed about an embarrassing consensual sex affair that he'd had. Lest anyone forget -- it was the hypocrite Republicans in their zeal and hatred for Bill Clinton who set that
ridiculous and shameful impeachment standard. But since they did set that standard, and have never expressed any regret for doing so, I say it's long past time that we apply that very same standard to the Bush administration. The bottom-line is that while Clinton's cover-up of his Monica dalliances may have hurt the feelings of his family and friends and outraged the sensibilities of some of the more pious members of our society, not a single human being lost their life or their livelihood (on the contrary -- many right-wing nutcase media pundits made careers off of the episode) over it. Contrast that against the results of Bush and Cheney's deceit and lies which have mired us in the blood-soaked, Vietnam-like quagmire that is Iraq today. Can anyone with an ounce of decency and honesty actually state that what Clinton did was far worse and more worthy of impeachment?? If so -- what kind of creature are you? You're certainly not human -- because one of the hallmarks of the human species is the ability of cognitive thinking. If you actually are of that opinion then I can truly say that I am more frightened of those of you who think that way than I am of some tall, bearded Muslim Archie Bunker wannabe hiding out in a cave in Pakistan.When the final chapter of history is written about this whole sordid affair (providing it is written by real historians instead of
bought-and-paid-for Bush sychophants) the hammer of shame and vituperation will fall on the heads of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and all of the neo-con hucksters, along with the fascist enablers in the corporate-whore media, who lied and manipulated a frightened, traumatized post 9-11 America into a personal, greedy business venture which did not have the best interests of the United States people and their Democracy in mind.The Busheviks are good at throwing their distorted view of world history in the faces of their detractors -- but it is they who ought to remember a very vivid and well-documented part of history --- the Italian people's response to Mussolini after realizing he and his fascists had destroyed their country by siding with the madman Hitler in his equally mad plans of world domination --- [
see Mussolini's fate at this link]. Karma can be a bad mother-fucking thing if it's coming back at you spawned by bad deeds. Indeed.
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