Saturday, August 11, 2007

Floyd's Waters Sings - You Listen!

I've always really liked the music of Pink Floyd. When I was in the military one of my barracks buddies was a huge Floyd fanatic and played The Dark Side of the Moon album day and night, over and over again. I actually listened to those songs so much, I'm convinced that they're permanently recorded in some unalterable cranial mimeograph deep in the recesses of my ever shriveling brain cavity.

Anyhow, when Floyd broke up, I kinda sorta lost interest in their newer stuff. For some reason, perhaps unfounded, they just didn't sound the same to me anymore.

Not to take anything away from the great guitarist David Gilmour, I think the reason may have been the absence of Roger Waters -- whom I never really paid a great deal of attention to but after rediscovering his music, I'm beginning to form the opinion that he may have been the actual philosophical and intellectual musical genius at the heart of Floyd's unique sound.

Anyhow, here's a great video of Roger Waters singing his song "Leaving Beirut" a beautiful song in the classic Floyd tradition and of course with the requisite digs at Dumbya Bush, the war-mongers and the religious nutballs. Enjoy.


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