Sunday, September 14, 2008

I'll Say What the Media Won't Say -- Sarah Palin is a Goddamn Liar!

Even after being called out on her bullshit by Charlie Gibson in his interview with her this week, Sarah Plain and Tall-Tales continued to peddle the universally discredited lie about her heroic stand against Congress in rejecting the infamous Bridge to Nowhere earmark at a Carson City, Nevada campaign event yesterday.

Not only do they revive and recycle the ridiculous Bridge lie, they even lie about the number of people in attendance at this rally. They tell the media it was over 10,000. One small problem -- the arena where it was held has a maximum capacity of 3,500. And it appears they've been incorporating the crowd-size lies into their standard press releases.

And speaking of the crowd -- how sycophantic do you have to be to stand there and cheer on someone while they are lying through their teeth right to your face?? These fucking people scare the shit out of me.

I referenced the clinical definition of pathological lying in a previous post. John McCain and Sarah Palin are taking the art of lying into uncharted territory and nobody seems to care or notice. But Obama is a Muslim!! And he called Sarah a pig!! Therefore John & Sarah can lie till the cows come home and it's just fine and dandy with their supporters.

No wonder this country is slowly beginning to resemble a third world banana republic.


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