Gee -- what a shocker. A rabidly conservative organization resorting to lies to peddle it's agenda! The National Gun-goon Association puts on their tin-foil hats every election to rally their militia-men to try and influence elections - always for the GOP of course. Every year they seem to get a little nuttier and more paranoid though. I'm beginning to think that some of the late Charlton Heston's Alzheimer ravaged brain cells may have rubbed off on this group's leaders as a whole. Unfortunately it's the leaders of the NRA who give the whole organization a black eye with their "jack-booted thugs" comments and their wholesale paranoia every time anyone dares debate putting even so much as sensible controls on the proliferation of the more deadly firearms in this country.
Anyhow, they're at it again, chicken-little screeching that the sky is falling and that mean ol' Obama is gonna take their cap pistols away from them. These guys are absolutely entitled to their opinions and participation in the political process, however, they are not entitled to lie about the political candidates they choose to oppose. It serves only to make their organization as a whole look petty and dishonest.
Thankfully there are sane, honest entities out there that take an unbiased look at such claims to verify their truthfulness. In this case FactCheck.org bitch slaps the NRA for peddling their toxic brand of gun-powder fueled bullshit. Good for them.
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