Monday, January 26, 2009

New Era, Same Old Story - - Dems Afraid to Fight For Their Vision . . .

I honestly and truly do not understand the inner workings of the modern conservative mindset. In this case I refer to the rabid GOP opposition to the inclusion of family planning funding in the Obama administration's stimulus package.

On one hand, the right-wingers screech endlessly about lazy shiftless minorities pumping out babies left and right who invariably end up on the public welfare rolls and thus sucking money out of Joe and Mary Sixpack's Walmart paychecks in the form of higher taxes.

Yet here is legislation that, if done properly, and since it's not under the purvey of the incompetent Bushies it likely will be, has the near term potential to save American taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars -- not to mention stemming the vicious cycle of tens of thousands of children being born into abject poverty thus increasing the burden on this country's social and medical network.

These right-wing conservatives are, to put it bluntly, bat-fucking-shit insane. Every reputable, non-ideological study shows that sensible family planning practices and programs end up saving society a substantial amount of money over the long run while simultaneously decreasing the stress on the country's social/medical system. It's a fucking no-brainer!

But noooooo -- the right wingers in the GOP would rather play ideological gotcha games than actually do the right thing that benefits the most people. Sadder yet, they still haven't accepted the reality of the last election wherein they got their collective asses handed to them on an electoral platter. With a plethora of vote trending studies showing that the GOP brand and message are an ever shrinking commodity, you'd think they'd fucking come to their senses and begin the arduous but necessary process of jettisoning their narrow-minded, losing policies in favor of more moderate ones. Doesn't look like it's going to happen.

In that case, my advice to Obama and the Dems is shove that progressive vision down their goddamn throats, no mercy, no compromise. 8 million more voters voted for the progressive vision for this country than the conservative one this past November. It's goddamn time the Democrats pulled their heads out of their fleshy assholes and acknowledge that.

Think Progress has a pretty good analysis of this issue.
Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say that there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe.

Frank Zappa
US musician, singer, & songwriter (1940 - 1993)


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