Sunday, February 08, 2009

Doh! Business Lobby Has Revelation . . .

Hell, even the reliably conservative U.S. Chamber of Commerce is seeing the writing on the wall re: our nose-diving economy and is now exerting pressure on Congressional and Senate Republicans to support the Obama stimulus plan either in it's present form or an even larger version.

But being that the GOP is currently held hostage by radical right nut-cases and led around by the nose-ring by that self proclaimed conservative Grand Poobah and bastion of know-nothingness Rush Limbaugh, don't expect them to cave to the pressure, even if it's from one of their more influential constituencies such as the business lobby.

I've been saying for years, the GOP has been hijacked by radical right wing nuts, the religio-fascists and the neo-cons.

That reality is finally starting to sink in to the stubborn heads of people who now also find themselves on the receiving end of the right's morally bankrupt and incompetent governing policies.

Better late then never I suppose.


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