Sunday, June 14, 2009

Yes -- Let's Let Healthcare Expenses Bankrupt America .. Fucking Idiots

I'm sitting here staring at a stack of medical bills related to my recent surgery and also looking at the statements from my employer-provided health care company stating I'm on the hook for about 30% of it all and I'm wondering....what dumb fucking sonofabitch is still fucking listening to Limbaugh and his ilk in thinking healthcare reform isn't urgently needed in this country?? Limbaugh is a fucking multi-millionaire!! He has access to the best health care money can buy! Money!! MONEY!!! Sigh -- I so tire of trying to convince my conservative friends that healthcare is not a political issue -- but all they see is black and white ---- capitalism vs. socialism. It's like trying to teach retarded chimps how to peel a banana.


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