Friday, July 17, 2009

Somebody please make them stop . . .

I'm getting so fucking sick of these idiotic, juvenile Obama "Birther" assholes. At some point Obama, the Honolulu Health Department, his family members, and the sane members of Congress and the media need to have a joint, prime-time press conference to once and for all denounce these meth-head fucktards and ask them to put forth their evidence that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii or just finally shut the fuck up!

Presently the "Birfer" ass-clown brigades are being led around by their herd-mentality nose-rings by some bird-brained pest and media attention hog named "Dr." Orly Taitz. Seems the good Doctor is an Orange County, CA dentist who scrounged up a law degree thru a "distance learning course" online - lol - because you know nothing shows integrity and legitimacy more than an internet law degree! She's your typical right-wing thug who has aligned herself with some really sleazy characters to propel her childish obsession with Obama's birth certificate into the mainstream discourse.

Setting aside the Dr. Taitz buffoonery though, how many fucking times must a lie/myth be disproven and debunked before it's dead, Dead, DEAD! and in the grave? Jesus Fooking Christ! -- these same morons are the same hate-filled imbeciles who manufactured and pimped the Bill Clinton murder list stories back in the early 90's after Clinton was elected. Why is anyone in the media lending any credence whatsoever to these creepy people's charges (except Fox "News" and we know why they do it)?

I think some enterprising freshman Democratic Congress person ought to introduce their own House bill requiring that any Congressman who signs on to this bullshit "Birther" legislation, which we all know some GOP congress critter started up just to stir up the rubes, be forced to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt their own citizenship qualifications. If these assholes continue to insist on playing these stupid fucking infantile games -- I say give it right back to them in the same manner.

Anyhow -- a commenter at the first linked article puts all of this inane garbage into the proper perspective better than most:

JHS123456 12 minutes ago
Where was George W. Bush's birth certificate, Bill Clinton, or George Sr. or gasp, could it be that Ronald Reagan was not born in the US either?, I have never seen any of their Birth Certificates. It is scary, if you are Republican you can start a baseless war, waste 1 TRILLION dollars to destroy a country, drive up oil costs from $36 dollars a barrel to $145 dollars a barrel, be phtographed kissing the Saudi Prince (Where 15 of 19 hijakers on 9/11 came from), and then find any way you can to whine, moan and complain when you cannot rape the poor in the US any longer, go away you cancerous, anti-democratic, anti-civil liberty morons, aren't there some more extra-marital affairs out there waiting on you, or some other scandal.

A-fucking-men to that brother!


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