Thursday, June 10, 2004

Goodbye to "The Gipper" . . . see ya in Purgatory Ron

Forgive me for not getting all choked up and teary-eyed about the passing of former President Ronald Reagan this past week. Of course it's sad when people die. Happens all the time. However, setting aside the personal grief of the Reagan family and close friends, what the fuck is up with the fawning, sycophantic media and their wall-to-wall coverage of this guy's death? CNN demonstrates it's shiny new whore credentials by airing non-stop coverage of Reagan's flag-draped coffin. I swear, every 3 hours I switch the cable channel to CNN and I see the same shot of the same coffin, same camera angle and in the background the same servile pundits waxing rhapsodically (meaning lying their asses off) about the "heroic" and "historic" legacy that Reagan has left America and the world.

I'll let historians debate the overall effectiveness of Reagan's Presidency and his legacy for America. I'm sure there'll be plenty of balance once they do so. Credible and mainstream historians are not noteworthy for lying about their subject matter.

As far as Reagan's legacy for the rest of the world, I've got a tidbit of history for you about Saint Ronnie. It's the bloody legacy and human devastation wrought by his administration's foreign policy in Central America in the 1980's. A shameful stain on any hero's record if ever there was one.

Of course, Reagan supporters will simply shut their eyes, cover their ears and scream "blah, blah blah!" at the tops of their lungs in a vain effort to avoid confronting the truth about one of their cowboy heros, but in the end, the truth is the truth and all of the devout, impassioned denial in the world cannot make it disappear.

Click here to read a little "history" of Reagan which you won't be hearing the knee-pad press talking about on television or on the radio.


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