Monday, March 03, 2008

The American Dream . . . Waking to the Reality

George Carlin in the video clip here states what most people know deep in their hearts to be true, but acceptance of that truth is such a hope-crushing, frightening prospect, they'd just as soon play along with the fantasy than upset the apple-cart of their fragile faith in the trusting goodness and mercy of their paymasters.

I've been thinking about this alot lately. In the past 5 years I've seen my own job security (or at least I was under some kind of delusion it was secure) transformed from a viably believable reality to nothing more than a shattered pipe dream -- something akin to that feeling you had as a kid when you suddenly and cruelly discover that Santa Claus was really your drunk Uncle Joe and the tooth fairy money actually came from mom's yearly cleaning out of the junk drawers and under the sofa cusions.

I'm in the process of experiencing my 2nd corporate job sell-out in the past 4 years. While it appears I will probably be somewhat gainfully employed for at least the next 6 months I no longer have any illusions that this strangely distant concept commonly referred to as "The American Dream" will provide any economic comfort to myself and my wife as we approach the twilight years of our lives.

Oh sure, I know I'll continue to play the game too, for as long as they let me I suppose. I guess the one thing that keeps me motivated enough to stay in the fray is that I truly do harbor a small-spark of faith that the people of this country will one day collectively pull their heads out of their asses, open their eyes and demand changes for the better. Not so much for myself, but for my kids, grandkids and everyone else's kids and grandkids who deserve to live in a nation which truly give's a shit about the welfare and well-being of all of it's people and not just the elite, monied few.


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