Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Home Grown FuckHeads - Redux

This is a picture of two of the assklowns that they arrested in the alleged Obama assassination plot near the Dem Convention in Denver.

Now, I'll admit, my ugly ass should be the last one to be calling someone else ugly, but I'd be willing to bet, that if you looked up the word fugly in the dictionary, you'd find these two guys pictures. It's pretty convincing visual proof that there's some very serious and scary right-wing inbreeding going on in those red states if you ask me.

BTW -- kind of odd that a Bush Justice Dept. official issues a statement that there was "no credible threat" to Obama when the investigation has only just begun. Yeah --- I always breathe a sigh of relief when a convicted felon, who's just admitted to police that he was planning to assassinate a Presidential candidate, is found with two high-powered scoped rifles, ammunition, sighting scopes, radios, a cellphone, a bulletproof vest, wigs, drugs and fake IDs in his possession. Yawn! Nothing to see here folks -- move it along -- show's over.

But there's no surprise in that either, it's coming from people who a month before 9/11 were handed a PDB (Presidential Daily Brief) from intelligence agencies with the seemingly innocuous title of "Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US" and chucked it aside to continue babysitting Jr. while he was playing ranch-hand. When confronted about it later they stated that it was just "historical information based on old reporting. There was no new threat information." Hmmm -- wonder how that worked out?

Anyhow, excuse me now while I go and buff my tin-foil-hat to a nice gleaming shine.



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