Monday, August 25, 2008

Of Double Standards and Media Hypocrisy

Lord almighty!! Can you imagine the media feeding frenzy and the phony, indignant right-wing howls of outrage if the headline on this Wall Street Journal article read this:

Obama's Pastor Sat on Troubled Bank's Board

Instead of this:

McCain's Son Sat on Troubled Bank's Board

Not only can I imagine it, I'd bet every penny to my name that this would be story #1 on all the cable news channels for the next several weeks, be dissected ad-nauseum by Rupert Murdoch's boot lickers on Fox, incorporated as an addendum in Jerome Corsi's swiftboat book on Obama, and be the cause of a great deal of premature ejaculation by right-wing bloggers as they manipulate the basic facts of the story line to fit their childish "destroy all libruls" agenda.

But, unfortunately, the headline referring to McCain's son is the actual headline. And far be it from me to make a judgement (I'm not because I don't know all the facts) on whether McCain Jr. committed any wrongdoing, don't sit there and dishonestly tell me that this article would be a ho-hum non-story if it involved ANYONE REMOTELY ASSOCIATED WITH the Senator from Illinois.


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