Friday, October 17, 2008

American Brown Shirts In Action . . .

Not content to allow the Justice Department controlled by their own party to determine whether the community organizing group ACORN has actually committed any crimes or not, the right-wing goose-steppers have deemed it their role to mete out their own warped brand of justice.

When it comes right down to it, these yellow-belly cowards, who anonymously threaten peoples lives and commit property crimes in the dead of night are really the lowest form of citizen in this country. They are absolutely a throw-back to the Nazi Brownshirts of pre-war Germany just as Hitler was coming into power. They are not Americans and I would go so far as to say they are Terrorists who should probably be warming a plot of cement in a place called Guantanamo Bay.

They are the poster children for self-pitying losers the world over. They can't win the hearts and minds of the American people on the merits of their ideas and vision, so instead they throw tantrums, verbally express their hateful fantasies in public rallies and online, intimidate and threaten those they disagree with, and engage in violent crimes against property as a means of demonstrating their rage at their perceived persecutors.

What a sorry ass lot they all are.


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