Saturday, October 18, 2008

Queen of the Witch Hunts ....

If proof ever existed that the Republican party is now the Neo-Nazi party of the United States of America -- please explain an alternative view of what this dysfunctional Republican Congresswoman bimbo is saying. No fucking spin.



Unknown said...

I watched this the other night. Unbelieveable.

I watched Colin Powell today and even he has problems with his own party moving to far to the right. I have voted for republicans in the past, but they have turned into a bunch of negative, us against them, haters. I know that Obama won't be able to do everything that he promised, but I think that he will a positive, level-headed president. Complete opposite of the last 8 years.

krazeeinjun said...

It scared me watching this. It basically is saying, that if you are not of the same ideological belief as we are, you are a traitor to your country. While I vociferously disagree with GOP policies and their scorched-earth method of politics, I don't believe they are treasonous people. Brain-washed and misguided perhaps, but not traitors. And I certainly don't believe McCarthy-like investigations of them are proper. But these kinds of statements are becoming all too common with the neo-cons and their rabid followers. I honestly don't feel the slightest bit ashamed to use the Nazi word in describing this kind of behavior. If it walks like a Nazi, talks like a Nazi and threatens like a Nazi ....