Monday, October 27, 2008

Grand Old Propaganda . . .

Not that it'll convince the Murdoch sheep -- but this clip is just additional proof that the droning chant by the fork-tongued con artists at Fox News about their network being "Fair and Balanced" is the biggest, maggot-infested, steaming pile of bullshit around.

A "reputable" news organization wouldn't have been hyper-actively pimping the phony Ashley Todd story like Fox was if they weren't in the business of promoting a certain toxic political agenda. What's gotten less press, and yet is even more disturbing, are the reports alleging that a high-level Pennsylvania McCain campaign operative was actively shopping the story around before police had even finished their investigation into the incident. I think it's a fair indication of how sleazy and low the McCain/Palin camp will slink when they are caught red-handed desperately peddling tripe like this story to the mainstream press. And Faux News was an all too willing participant in that desperation.

Ultimately, I don't know why some people find the fact that Fox is a propaganda arm of the Republican party so hard to comprehend. Just accept it ok? The truth shall set you free!


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