Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why Do Conservatives Hate Democracy?

The right wing flying-monkey-brigades have been whining ad nauseum about a 40 year old community organizing outfit called ACORN, who they claim this election year are systematically subverting the electoral process and democracy through "massive" voting fraud.

Of course, their dumb rube followers buy that horseshit hook line and sinker because poll after poll after poll suggests that this year's slate of sub-par GOP candidates is on the verge of getting their clocks cleaned in the coming election next week.

Here's a simple explanation of the difference between voting registration fraud and voting fraud. It's so simple that even your average Republican rube, without expending too many of their precious few brain cells, can understand it.

Voting "registration" fraud means registrars (usually paid workers) are not doing the job they were hired to do which is to collect and turn in valid voter registration forms. Instead because they're lazy, stupid, or whatever other dumb reason, they fill out the forms themselves with false/phony names addresses, etc and turn them in to meet their quota.

Let me put it in even more simplistic rube terms. Some ass-hat, minimum-wage paid registrar, who just wants to get a paycheck so he can buy some beer and cigarettes, turns in a bunch of voter registration forms with names like Jack Daniels, Johnny Walker Red, Tom Collins, Barney Fife, Billy Kidd, Ike Clanton, etc. The forms may also have equally fraudulent addresses such as 1313 Mockingbird Lane, 77 Sunset Blvd., etc. So -- follow along now -- the premise being promulgated by right-wing pundits is that somebody is actually going to show up at a voting station on election day, try to sign in using the name of Barney Fife, and the address of 1313 Mockingbird Lane, and cast a ballot for an evil Democrat which will undermine the celestially chosen GOP candidate. If you believe that scenario, you not only deserve to be called a rube, you actually are more deserving of being called an insanely gullible fucking moron.

By law, in most states, voter registration outfits like ACORN are required to process and submit each and every form that is handed in to them from their registrars, regardless of whether they deem them problematic. And the simple truth is, the vast majority of these fraudulent registration forms are weeded out by a variety of checks and balances that are employed by your typical state elections apparatus. Actual voting fraud is rare for the simple reason that the penalty carries jail time and fines which is an unappealingly low-return for the crime committed. Thanks however to incessant whining and blatant lying on the part of GOP pundits and operatives, the crime of "voting fraud" has reached urban myth-like proportions amongst angst-ridden conservatives who are experiencing nightmarish visions of hordes of brown people taking over their country at every turn.

So it's no surprise hearing them whining and braying about voting fraud these past few weeks, especially considering the corrupt GOP is poised to be on the losing end of voter wrath come next Tuesday November 4th. This year, their manufactured bogey man of choice is ACORN. Big, bad, cheating (oh and mostly minority) ACORN.

Here's a dirty little secret though (secret to only the right-wing rubes because they're too fucking ignorant to get it or just dont' give a rat's ass) --- the absolute bulk of the valid voters who will have their constitutionally guaranteed right to vote disenfranchised on Tuesday will be minority Democrats. And that disenfranchisement will come at the hands of partisan, party officials in several states who will use every underhanded method known to electoral fraudsters since the art of election theft was invented. And their goal will be to prevent as many minorities and democrats from voting that they possibly can. What these people are doing is un-American, it's anti-democratic, and it's criminal.

If by some "miracle" McCain and Palin win on Tuesday, this country is in for some troubled times and 100% of the blame can be laid squarely at the feet of the ruthless democracy-hating pricks who, like their hero George W. Bush, believe the paper which our Constitution is written on is the equivalent of paper with which they can use to wipe their asses with. One thing's for certain -- Mussolini and Hitler would be proudly smiling up from hell.


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