Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fear and Lying in Wingnuttiaville . . .

The right wing banshees are spanking their monkeys in frenzied unison over this photo of U.S. President Obama shaking the hand and smiling while meeting Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez at the recent Summit of the Americas conference in Trinidad and Tobago.

O'Reilly, Hannity, Limpballs and the rest of the conservative lie machine are going beserk self-flagellating themselves over the photo and basically have taken en-masse to the conservative airwaves to propagate their fevered interpretation that this public photo is the long sought after proof that Obama is a closet communist who's intent on transforming America into one giant socialist hippie commune.

Setting aside the rank absurdity that permeates the bed-wetting paranoia that courses through the ranks of the right-wing patriot brigades, what's even more disturbing is their blatant attempts to historical revisionism (a polite way of calling them fucking liars) by stating no other U.S. President has ever met with, much less shaken the hand, of an American enemy. Bill O'Reilly is just the latest to belch out this odious lie:

It amazes me that the wing nuts are just so brazen with their lying at times. It's both an exhilarating and frightening thing to watch when one of their spokesliars is in full form like Mr. O'Reilly was in that clip. Funniest part is I only need 4 little words to completely demolish O'Reilly's lie --- LOOK AT THESE PICTURES:

Sigh . . . It's hard work making right-wing nuts look like fools.


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