Wednesday, April 29, 2009

GOP Staring Into The Abyss of Permanent Minority Party Status . . .

With the defection of perennial Pennsylvania Republican Senator Arlen Specter into the Democratic ranks and with moderate GOP Maine Senator Olympia Snowe actively sounding the warning bells (see video in this post) to the RNC poobahs about the imminent immolation of the Republican party, all I can say is --- I fucking told you so.

I've been saying it for 5 years -- and my conservative friends & detractors know it. What I've been saying to anyone who would listen is that the GOP hierarchy and party infrastructure has been hijacked, lock, stock and barrel, by a narrow-minded, predominantly white, predominantly southern and predominantly hard-core Christian base which has painstakingly done everything in it's power to alienate moderate, sane Republicans and independents within their own party and in the process of doing so hand political power over to the more inclusive Democrats on a silver platter.

The fact that Olympia Snowe is finally coming out and stating as much in a major media venue that which has been obvious to even amateur political watchers such as myself for several years is a significant event.

I'm not gloating about this (too much anyway) -- I'm firmly of the belief that we need a strong opposition party to the Democrats (don't confuse strong with psychotic) if anything to keep the lefty loons (yes - there are some) from having too much influence over the party and their policy making. Fortunately for the Dems, they haven't allowed the more insane elements of their liberal base to overtake the party apparatus, which is in a nutshell what the GOP has done.

Basically what needs to happen is the traditional conservative Republicans need to serve divorce papers to the hateful right wing crowd. Tell Hannity, Limpballs, O'Reilly, Beck, Coulter, Savage and all the rest of those loathsome assholes to fuck off. Sure, it'll be messy, painful and not without some serious bloodletting, but in the end if the GOP and traditional conservatism is to survive, they have to do this. Let the wingnuts start their own 3rd political party --- see how quickly they become marginalized just like other reactionary political groups have been.

The world is changing and the wingnuts are wanting to recreate American life as they perceive it was in the Leave It To Beaver 1950's. Most of sane America (fortunately still a majority) has moved or is moving forward. The rest of the world is moving forward. The only fools still obstinately standing still and trying to impede human progress are the howling right-wing chest beaters. Leave 'em behind I say! Perhaps a decade or so of entrenched irrelevancy will wake them up to the reality of their situation.


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