Thursday, April 16, 2009

Old Teabaggers Never Die - They Just Fade Away (thankfully) . . .

Ok - this is my last post about the teabaggers and their corporate sponsored pity parties that were held yesterday.

First -- best estimates indicate that up to 250,000 people participated in the foot stamping and fist shaking boo-hoo fests. That is not an impressive number considering a myriad of right-wing think tanks and conservative astro-turf organizations were bankrolling, coordinating and marketing the nation-wide events. And speaking of marketing, they also had Fox news promoting it ad nauseum on America's only "Fair and Balanced" cable "news" channel the past couple of weeks. The largest turnout,an estimated 7,000 WATB's (Whiny Ass Titty Babys), appears to have occurred in Atlanta. The Atlanta metropolitan area is the nation's 8th largest with a population near 6 million. And all they could find were 7,000 yahoos to show up? And right in the heart of Dixie to boot. San Diego, California, a hotbed of GOP politics -- 500 brave WATB's showed up. Point being, for all the bluster and the shameless huckstering by Fox and right-wing media toads, it was an embarrassingly dismal show of force.

Secondly -- I bounced around the web checking out photos taken at various teabagger events and one common theme seemed to permeate them all --- these people hate Barack Obama's guts with a passion. That seething hatred seems to be the single most motivating factor that prompted people to show up at these pathetically staged group whine sessions. Look at the following photos taken at just one event in Wisconsin. The same hate-filled signs were seen over and over at just about every one of these events. Frankly I don't believe these asshats give a rat's fucking ass about taxes and government spending. I think a majority of them are nothing more than a bunch of bitter, semi-bigoted losers who are absolutely broken up about the skinny black dude sitting in the White House making decisions that will decide the direction of America's (and their) future. Take a look at these pics -- from one single teabagger rally and tell me I'm wrong:

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