Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Tale of an American Disease . . .

The right-wing nutcase who killed a security guard (and thankfully was shot by other guards before he could kill more innocents) yesterday at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C., in addition to being a walking poster child for KKK pensioners, was also a fervent member of a loose but vocal group of right wing crazies known as 'The Birthers'. These people are obsessively convinced that Barack Obama is ineligible to be president because of alleged questions surrounding his birth status. They wholly ignore the fact (FACT) that state officials in Hawaii declared last October that there was no doubt Obama was born in the state. Officials verified that the health department holds the commander in chief's original birth certificate.

I'm not one to piss on someone's crazy parade, but when the conservative hate brigades, with the complicit urging of their cheerleading pundits in the media, start issuing threats of physical harm to fellow Americans, and now it appears, acting on them, it's time draw a line in the sand and start calling these people for what they truly are -- America hating, democracy hating, phony Christian, loathsome Taliban-like, ignorant cowards and creeps.

A good place to start addressing some of the cretinous bullshit which these people spew into the public discourse arena every day is a recent expose' at This important article thoroughly documents the various demented claims about Barack Obama and then methodically proceeds to demolish every single one with a powerful weapon -- a concept that by all reasonable standards appears to be entirely foreign to the conservanuts ---- THE TRUTH.

A few of these claims are just so pernicious and bizarre, one has to honestly wonder whether these people ought not be locked up in a maximum security mental health facility and under heavy sedation for the remaining days of their natural lives.

Anyhow, at some point, enough is enough. Innocent people are starting to die because of the poisonous hatred being peddled like candy by some incredibly despicable excuses for human beings who are cynically and uncaringly misusing their public media platforms.

If nobody speaks out, the haters misconstrue that silence for acceptance. That simply cannot be allowed to happen. Thus the constant barrage of my own personal observations about this stuff here on my shitty (but gritty) little blog. I cannot -- no -- I will not be silent.

James von Brunn may have, in his own mind, killed a man as proof of his own genetic superiority, but in the end all he did was hasten the coming day when hateful ignorance like his own will be looked upon by the vast majority as the evil, small-minded, pitiful concept it really is.

“First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew so I did not speak out. And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.”

by Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945


Some may have forgotten, but aside from 9/11, the last major terrorist attack on Americans on American soil took place April 19, 1995 in Oklahoma City, OK. The cold-blooded murders of 169 innocent Americans, including 19 children in a day care center, came at the hands of some very white, very Christian, very right-wing, very American, and very hate-filled sons of bitches.

Am I wrong to believe that the people who are coddling and egging on the haters of today to harm or destroy more precious lives ought to be held equally accountable when one of their glassy-eyed loon sycophants actually takes them up on the dare?

Do they really want more of this? Really:?


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