Wednesday, July 01, 2009

None Dare Call It Treason . . . . . Except Me.

You know - during my completely unspectacular 5 year blogging career I have made some blisteringly harsh statements about present day conservatives and their movement. To this day I've rejected the thought of taking any of those words back -- not without substantiated, chronicled reasons in my view.

And every now and again, a little piece of unambiguous, documented media evidence (see accompanying video below) comes along, which if viewed in the context of why I despise these people and what it is about their ideology that infuriates me, validates every vitriolic word I've ever typed about them.

Where else but Rupert Murdoch's insane asylum FOX News can you find a major talking head cable star engaged in a matter-of-fact, perfunctory conversation as to why the prospect of terrorists detonating a major (nuclear?) weapon in the U.S. and causing loss of life and destruction on a mass scale articulating that such an attack would be the best thing to happen to the country right now? Honestly - where?

You know I remember when the Iraq invasion started, people like me were told to "watch what you say - watch what you do" and labeled "terrorist sympathizers", "America haters" "unpatriotic", and of course, the dreaded 'T' words (traitor/treason) for daring to think for ourselves and ask questions as to the decisions being made by George W. Bush.

I've looked up the words 'traitor' and 'treason' in the dictionary and read and reread all of the varying definitions and meanings. Somehow I have been unable to reconcile the definition of treason as it was applied to people like myself who questioned the wisdom of invading a sovereign nation based on manufactured evidence and outright lies (Iraq) compared to what Rupert Murdoch does on a daily basis in his media outlets (such as the video clip shown here.)

If someone, preferably one of my respected conservative friends, could help unravel this labyrinthine conundrum for me, I'd be most grateful.


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