Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Unbelievable as it seems -- there's hope yet

By CURT ANDERSON, AP Legal Affairs Writer Curt Anderson, Ap Legal Affairs Writer – Tue Jun 30, 5:39 pm ET

MIAMI – Swiss bank UBS AG "systematically and deliberately" violated U.S. law by dispatching private bankers to recruit wealthy Americans interested in evading taxes and must be forced to reveal the identities of 52,000 of those clients, the Justice Department said in a court filing Tuesday.

This is good news.

Considering the amount of personal misery and economic suffering the wealthy elites and their spiderweb of corrupt, multinational banking enterprises have caused around the globe, a little bit of criminal justice is long overdue. Bernie Madoff's sacrificial lamb prison sentence of 150 years hasn't even come close to whetting my appetite for retribution.

Me personally? I want to know the names, business connections, political affiliations and what financial institutes they funneled their illicit funds through of every one of the 52,000 racketeers on that list. I want that information published on the front page of every newspaper in the U.S. for a week straight. I want it to be the lead story of every newscast in every major and minor television market. I want all of the current credit card offers, mortgage refinance offers, loan offers and other financial con artist scam offers that pile up in my mailbox every day to be replaced with the complete list of personal information about every last one of these sons of bitches.

And if there were a God, I'd personally be invited to assist in divvying up the seized assets and illegally earned interest from those assets of all of these swindlers and see that money put to truly good use helping the least fortunate and worst off in our currently fucked-over society.

And if anyone wants to call me a socialist for those views -- that's fine by me. Sure as fuck beats siding with thieves and amoral monsters who'd piss on the emaciated soul, broken spirit and good will of a fellow American just to make another buck for themselves. It's been said you know - that a person is known by the company they keep (and defend I might add).

Anyhow - Bill Maher had it right in a February monologue on the subject of how to deal with the greed-mongers in our midst:

I'm all for Maher's idea .. but to make it last, make it law -- every year, 2 randomly selected crooked bankers (don't worry, there'll be plenty of candidates) get their name pulled out of a hat and are sacrificed on the hangman's altar of justice. Sure it's perverted justice, but until the message is willfully recognized by the people who need to recognize it, it's a perversion we'll just have to live with.


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