Saturday, August 29, 2009

Adios . . . .

I shed my tears today for the passing of the 3rd Kennedy boy -- Teddy. I'm certain my conservative detractors will guffaw and slap knee at the thought of that. That's ok. They're entitled to their self-loathing misery.

Anyhow, in my young years, I studied alot about JFK and the Kennedys and I came to have a healthy, albeit, guarded respect for them. Like all human beings they were flawed. Some were downright immoral on their own terms on occasion. But in the end, when you are as old as I am and you look back and contemplate the whole picture of their deeds --- I cannot say my respect has wavered. And what cemented that view was an examination of the Bush family brothers and their life works ---- which amounts to absolutely fucking nothing that ever benefited anyone but friends, family and business partners.

So in that vein --- Teddy --- Goodbye old friend. Was glad you were on the good side.


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