Thursday, June 03, 2004

Bush Administration rewards criminals...

Let me get this straight. Twenty of the 73 companies tapped to participate in the new Medicare drug discount card program have been previously charged with fraudulent business practices. Many of these companies have ended up paying fines to federal and local government as a result of their criminal behavior. Interestingly enough, these same 20 companies (less than a third of all approved companies) have also made more than 60% of ($3.1 million) of the total campaign contributions from approved drug card companies to George W. Bush and the conservatives in Congress. Can we say quid pro quo??

The first and most obvious question is -- why are companies who have a history of defrauding taxpayers and the federal government even allowed to participate in this new program? It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the $3.1 million in campaign contributions to Bush and the conservatives who are currently in control of Congress could it?? Am I such a cynical bastard for even thinking that could possibly be it? Christ! That's like putting a known child-molester in charge of the local day-care center! The second question I have is -- where is the outrage of the so-called "liberal media" on this issue? The media spent 6 years chasing down every rumor about the activities of Bill Clinton's penis, yet known fraudsters being rewarded with more government contracts is a non-story?? The next time I hear somebody whining about the "librul media" in this country I'm gonna fucking puke all over their penny loafers.


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