Tuesday, June 01, 2004

The Evil That Men Do . . .

I hope to god that people who read this story about Enron traders laughing their evil asses off over their raping of California energy consumers get enraged enough to finally understand that the scum currently running this country are corrupt and filthy thieves to the rotten core. You've got to be pretty heartless fucks to be knowingly stealing money from hard-working folks just trying to pay the bills and feed their kids or the elderly just trying to survive on meager retirement benefits. Of course, look for the Bush apologists to lie and obfuscate and try to paint Bush and Cheney as unwary victims of Enron's scheming too. Then we can all count on the whore press to pick up the sure-to-come GOP spin (aka lies) and print it in all the newspapers. You can also count on that spin to be regurgitated ad nauseum on all the tv and radio talk shows. Meanwhile the proof is in the tapes folks. Bush's buddy "Kenny Boy" Lay and his band of merry dirtbags stole alot of money from alot of innoncent folks and Bush and Cheney let them do it. Now you know the true meaning of the letters GOP -- Greedy Old Party.

Just click here and read it and weep.


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