Friday, May 30, 2008

Credit Given Where Credit Due . . .

Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the Democrats in the House, portrays herself as a polite, grandmotherly lady...Don't believe it for a second. Would your grandmother ever say, "If people are ripping your face off, you have to rip their face off" (Pelosi's approach to handling attacks from Republicans)? How about "If you take the knife off the table, it's not very frightening anymore" (her explanation for why she won't let voters forget George W. Bush's unpopular Social Security proposal from last year)?

I've had my differences of opinion with Dem House Leader Nancy Pelosi (mostly related to her coddling of the war-mongering Bushies on Iraq), but you really got to give her a bit of credit for saving the ass of a cherished American government institution, and I refer of course, to Social Security.

Remember a few years ago, the Wall Street hucksters and their political allies (mostly GOP thugs, but a few Dem toadies as well) were scaring Americans with their "woe is you!" routine, giving dire warnings that social security would be broke in just a few years? Of course, those of us who bothered to actually take the time to study the issue and actually read the reports of the SS Trustees knew that SS was entirely solvent until the year 2042, AND, with minor adjustments could easily be made solvent many decades beyond that. Four of the six Trustees who signed off on the report stating that SS was just fine were appointees of George W. Bush.

And of course the folks who were pushing hardest and loudest for the privatization (they can spin it any way they want, but that's exactly what it is) of SS were the same pond-scum that brought this country the accounting scandals of Enron, Worldcom, Tyco and others -- the same slimy dirtballs who manipulated and jury-rigged the mortgage industry and brought it to it's knees -- the same greedy cocksuckers who paid off politicians of both stripes to de-regulate Wall Street to the point that the robber-baron era of the early 20th century was playskool stuff compared to what these conniving thieves are up to these days.

So, in the spirit of recognizing good public work which has benefited the most people, and in this case most of the people I'm referring to are this country's most vulnerable (the elderly and disabled), I've got to give a big high-five and a profoundly grateful thanks to Nancy Pelosi for doing the right thing and telling the greedy Wall Street whores to keep their filthy, grubby, greasy, fucking hands off of the people's money.

Now -- if only we can get her to be just as much of a hard-ass on the issue of the never-ending funding of the clusterfuck in Iraq -- ... oh well, all one can do is hope.


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