Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Your MBA President

COLORADO SPRINGS, May 28 -- President Bush acknowledged that his administration is "learning as we go" in building democracy in Iraq, as he used his final military academy commencement address on Wednesday to ruminate on some lessons from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

G.W. Bush's sychophantic followers used to love to crow about how the failed Texas oilman and all-around shady businessman was going to be America's first MBA President. Of course they conveniently overlooked Bush's mediocre grades as well as the prescient words of one of his Harvard Business School professors who stated that the future MBA President was someone with weak social values, compassionless and of limited intellect (gee, wonder how anyone could ever have gotten that impression of Mr. "Childrens do learn")?

Anyhow, here we are, 5+ bloody years into the Iraq quagmire, 4300+ U.S. soldiers dead, another 30,000 wounded, tens of thousands more suffering from PTSD, anywhere from 100,000 (conservative estimate) to 650,000 (British Lancet estimate) dead Iraqis and all this proper-english challenged buffoon can do is shrug his shoulders and say is that it's a learning experience?

I don't know about any of you, but I get the distinct vibe that something is terribly, shockingly wrong with this picture.

Let me see if I can put this into straightforward, lucid terms. Imagine yourself wanting to undertake an exciting but dangerous venture, oh say -- climbing Mt. Everest for example. Wouldn't you want to spend all the time up front learning everything there is to know about that mountain, the proper gear needed for a successful mission, interfacing with the local sherpas to learn the terrain and climate, studying the outcomes of previous missions, etc. before trekking on up? Does that sound crazy?

But nooooooooo not President Dumbfuck. He just barrels full speed ahead, with the idea that he'll learn it all as he goes.

I have this absolutely frightening, recurring vision of Bush sitting around one weekend in early 2001, shortly after being installed as President by the black-robed thugs on the Supreme Court, munching on pretzels and watching re-runs of Gunsmoke! and Combat! Condi is in the kitchen whipping up her favorite health drink, Cheney is slumped in a lazy-boy recliner, shit-faced from the 12-pack of Coors he just finished downing, Don Rumsfeld is sitting in the corner pulling the wings off of flies that he's caught...and suddenly Bush blurts out -- "hey fellers! I gots me a great 'ol idea. Let's go blow the shit out of that thar' smelly 'ol A-rab Saddam -- that sumbitch tried to hurt my Daddy!! Now if only y'all can come up with a dadgum good excuse to do it!" . . . And thus --- the genesis of the Iraq war.

Does that scene straight out of a Kafkaesque Beverly Hillibillies episode sound entirely implausible to you? If it doesn't, welcome to the reality based community -- a community of smarter people who rejected drinking the kool-aid offered up by Bushco and their fawning boot-lickers in the media.

"Learning as we go . . ." Holy fucking sheepshit! God (if there is one) help us all.


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