Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Sarah and Todd -- "Palling-Around" with Terrorists?

Olbermann lays the smack-down on Sarah Plain and Dumb. And yes, I do want to know more about the Palins' association with the America-hating secessionist group (AIP) in Alaska. It's a relationship that's a helluva lot more recent and tangible than Obama's fleeting association with former 60's radical William Ayers on a couple of Chicago charitable foundation boards. It's so fucking laughable to hear the right-wingers pooh-pooh Palin's radical right ties -- more than anything it really highlights their absurd hypocrisy when it comes to this vile guilt-by-association game which they so love to play.

Ahh yes -- so many lies to tell and so few pre-election days to tell them in. I've no doubt Palin/McCain will certainly do their best to cram as many personal smears and lies that they possibly can into this short window of time in their overtly desperate attempt to catapult their pathetic ticket to White House victory.


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