Thursday, October 09, 2008

Suppress The Vote '08! Election Thuggery In Full Swing . . .

A friend of mine is of the belief that I'm in the gloating or crowing stage over an imminent Obama victory.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. The reason being is I am fully cognizant of the GOP's very successful abilities for electoral tampering and voter suppression. We saw evidence of it in 2000 in Florida against Gore as well as in 2004 in Ohio against Kerry.

Every exit poll in Ohio in 2004 showed Kerry wining by 5-7% and he actually ends up losing by that same amount. Exit polling has been used for decades and has been a very reliable indicator of the final outcomes of state and national elections. What happened in Ohio in 2004 was more than just a once in a lifetime anomaly -- it was downright suspicious.

Anyhow, now we hear of some quite possibly illegal voter purge activity taking place in several battleground states just a few weeks before this year's historically important election. The NYT report states that "voters appear to have been purged by mistake and not because of any intentional violations by election officials or coordinated efforts by any party." Gee -- where have I heard that lame denial before? I'd be willing to wager a month's pay that the vast majority of the voters purged were minority and/or Democrat. Any takers on that bet??

Anyhow, the bottom line is, I will not be gloating or crowing about anything until the morning of Nov. 5th when I read with my own two eyes those headlines blaring -- "Obama/Biden In Landslide Victory!!"


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