Saturday, April 11, 2009

Glenn Beck --- Belated Whiner Extraordinairre. . . .

I'm starting to get real, real tired of this asshole Glenn Beck. Real, real tired. Where was the worry and oversight from this putrid jackass the past 8 years while the Bush Crime Family was looting the country and putting a bunch of institutional white collar criminals in charge of the hen-house? Beck is embarrassingly late to the table in whining about the horrid state of the nation and it's increasingly obvious with every one of his stupid shows. Here's the unvarnished truth - Beck's ideology and his political party got the ever-living shit kicked out of them in the last election and he and the other GOP assclowns just can't get over it. And that goes for his mindless drone fans/followers or whatever you want to call people who fall for his inane Droopy Dog "woe is me" shtick. All these people can just go fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned. Really.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for crystallizing my thoughts exactly. I get it that right-wingers need their talk radio guys to tell them what to think, but who would ever want to listen to that whiny bitch Glenn Beck?