Sunday, June 21, 2009

*Oh* *My* *Gawd!* . . . . (shakes head in dejected wonderment)

A Missouri state representative by the name of Cynthia Davis (pictured) was writing (if by "writing" one means insane juvenile crayon scribbling) about child hunger in a newsletter on her website and had this to say about it:

"Hunger can be a positive motivator."

She's not talking about adults going hungry here folks - which itself is horrible enough - but children for fuck's sake! CHILDREN!!

Not like it needs to be pointed out, but this woman is a Republican.

Now -- I know the left has it's loonies (PETA for ie.) but only on the Republican side of the fence will you find completely demented, popularly elected morons like this woman spouting these types of views which, by all accounts, appear to be considered "mainstream" within the modern Republican party these days.

Also - notice the prominently displayed Christian cross dangling from Rep. Davis' neck. (reason 13,722 krazee is not religious).

Absolutely fucking mind-boggling. And my Republican friends continue to wonder why they lost the Presidential election by 8 million votes to the skinny, black, muslim, terrorist-loving socialist.

... here - I'll give you a clue . . .


1 comment:

BadTux said...

Maybe she ought to try that "hunger" a bit to see if it really IS a motivator. Because looking at her fat lardy self, it's pretty clear she hasn't tried it herself and isn't speaking from experience...

- Badtux the Experienced Penguin