Sunday, June 21, 2009

Republicrats - - Uggh . . .

Bill Maher hits the proverbial nail on the head with this one.

With every passing year, it seems the establishment faction of the Democratic party is slowly but surely easing it's way into the role that's been traditionally played by the non-crazy wing of the GOP -- the paid-for servants of big business.

Reid, Pelosi, Stoyer and company have their collective heads too far up the ass of corporate America to be trusted to be effective opposition to the GOP anymore. They treat the progressive caucus like red-headed step-children, and repeatedly fold every time the conservatives and business tycoons bluster, whine and stomp their feet -- which, bluntly stated, is the hallmark trait of cowards. The perception that the Democrats are the party of the working people is fading rapidly with every legislative compromise they make at the expense of doing right by working Americans.

More than ever, short of an Iranian style revolution in this country, the next best thing to put the power of government back into the rightful hands of the people who've made America what it is today is to completely ban corporate money from influencing the electoral process. Elections in America today are, for all intents and purposes, swirling cesspools of big industry cash -- and it has to end. If it doesn't, the great American democratic experiment is doomed to eventual failure.


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