Thursday, July 09, 2009

Food? They don't need no stinking food!!

Just when I think a conservative mouthpiece could not possibly utter something more grotesque, more immoral, more evil -- more incredibly fucking stupid than they already have done -- they dig deep down into their (seemingly bottomless) scum filled barrel of "deep thinkers" and come up with yet another sorry excuse for a human being to be a first tier candidate for the most horrible, imbecilic person on the planet.

This one has to be seen and heard to be believed. In the context of discussing one individual's battle with cancer and with the affected individual arguing that elementary health care ought to be a "basic human right", said conserva-creep's response is that not even FOOD is a basic human right. Yes - you heard right -- FOOD! FOOD!! FOOD!!! for Christ's sake! (I the pagan will invoke the name of Christ because it's obvious none of these right-wing Christians know a goddamn thing about his teachings.) Anyhow, it's doubtful this cretin believes water or oxygen might be considered basic human rights either. Actually - to hell with that -- life itself is not a basic human right! How about them apples?? Oh wait -- apples are food -- you can't have any damn you!! IMFAO.

I mean -- why didn't she just say what's really on her mind -- that every human being on the planet, child, women, elderly, disabled -- just plain poor, whom at any point in their miserable life is unable to provide enough food for their own sustenance, ought to be rounded up and unceremoniously herded into gigantic incinerators and cremated to ash where said ash can simply be added to the existing toxic coal ash ponds that pepper America's landscape? Problem solved. And wait! here's the best part -- the burning of their corpses would help solve the energy crisis too by generating additional electricity! Now that's a sound, conservative business proposal if ever there was one.

I gotta tell ya --- my conservative friends think I'm nuts for having the views that I do. But I am convinced that if any of them actually had so much as a pensive, reasonably intellectual clue as to how much their spokespeople like this heartless, buffoonish bitch are ridiculed not only by the majority of the people in this country, but around the world ----- well ----- now that I think about it -- they'd probably cling even more tightly to their fucked up beliefs I suppose.


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