Friday, July 31, 2009

Mob Rules!! Why do conservatives hate Democracy?

Well of course the right-wing nuts are coordinating efforts to disrupt and shout down opportunities for intelligent, reasonable debate within our communities! My gawd!-- it's the classic definition of "herd mentality". In layman's terms, you gather a group of dumb as a rock animals (in this case right wing kooks), you get one of them to behave in a boorish, cretinous manner, and the rest of the herd simply mimics the uncivil behavior. It's the same concept used by Rush Limbaugh to keep his ditto-head herd coming back for more idiocy day in day out.

I mean let's face the truth about the matter --- the core reasons why the right wingers do not want to fairly participate in an honest and civil debate about anything are:

1. They themselves are fearful that a majority of the people actually might approve of the ideas of those they oppose.

2. They have no rational or coherent competing ideas themselves.

3. The few ideas they do have are so draconian and morally distasteful nobody would like them anyway.

4. They really do hate the whole idea of representative democracy as the founding fathers of this country meant for it to be practiced.

5. They're cowardly assholes.


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