Saturday, August 01, 2009

Scaring the elderly -- the GOP's favorite new leisure activity . . .

The latest scare-mongering by conservative Republicans has plumbed new depths of despicableness. Frightening American seniors by making outrageously false claims that a public option in any health care reform legislation would result in the U.S. government "putting to death" the aged and infirm is about one of the most loathsome things I think I've ever heard.

Let's face it folks -- the Republican creeps (and a few cowardly Blue Dog Democrat creeps too) have absolutely no plan or ideas themselves and are so financially beholden to big pharmaceutical and health insurance, that they've abandoned any pretense of honesty and fairness in the debate, and instead have resorted to what they are best at -- lies, lies and more lies. To have public figures go on television and target a message to seniors which states that if the GOP doesn't get their way, the big bad 'gubmint' is gonna force grandma and grandpa into the Soylent Green program is repulsive on so many levels it ----- well fuck it! -- it's evil -- simple as that.


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